Chapter 12

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"And every time you ask I'll pretend I'm ok"-Shawn Mendes


I could feel the sun beating down on my face causing me to groan and roll over onto the other side of the bed.

I'm surprised I was able to go to sleep last night with all the thundering. And especially the horrible dream I had about being kidnapped.

It seemed so real though almost as if it really happened. I yawned while pulling the comforter up farther.

"Wait a minute" I whispered to myself and opened my eyes and jolted up realizing the dream last night was not a dream because I was definitely not in my room.

   I could barely see anything because of how dark it was but I could feel that I was on a bed.

As I started to move around more I could feel something cold grazing my wrist. I gasped while feeling it and realizing there was a metal cuff like object on my wrist as i kept feeling up it I felt a chain hooked on to it and I paused.

"No" I whispered to myself while slowly feeling up the length of the chain to where it connected to the headboard.

"This can't be happening" I started to panic as I realized how serious the situation was. Up until this point I still thought that there was a chance this was some sort of sick joke.

I turned around towards the backboard as I lightly pulled on the chains to test how strong they were. When they didn't budge I started to pull harder and eventually yank them, trying to somehow get my hands to slip out of the cuffs or the backboard to break.

But of course neither of those things happened. Instead something far worse happens.

As I was starting to think about giving up I heard the door creak open and stoped dead in my tracks.

I start to hear footsteps slowly walk towards me but not at a normal pace more like they are trying to taunt me by going as slow as they can to draw out the anticipation.

As the person got closer I started to shake and decided it would probably be better if I saw what they were doing rather than sit here turned around like a blind bat.

So I took a deep breath and slowly turned around to see the silhouette of a man. He was pretty tall probably standing at 6'0. I could see the muscles bulging out of his shirt even in the darkness making his dark aura that much scarier.

As he stepped next to the bed where I was sitting I could finally see his face. He looked to be in his late 30's with scruff but not to the point where it looked unkept.

"Well ,well ,we'll look who's awake" he chuckled while taking an even closer step towards the bed and me causing me to back up into the headboard even more.

"You don't have to be scared" he cooed while taking a seat on the bed causing me to flinch but I didn't dare make anymore movement not knowing if that would make him angry or not.

"Don't worry as long as your boy toy does everything we tell him to do you'll be fine" he said while bringing his hand up to pet my hair making me wince at the thought of what this man was capable of doing to me.

"B-but I d-d-don't have b-boy-y t-toy" I stuttered confused on who I was now trusting my life with because I most defiantly did not have a "boy toy".

"Why Devon of course" he said while getting of the bed. "And looking at the time I really should get going, but you have a wonderful time my dear" he said is a fake happy voice while walking towards the door giving me the space I needed or else I swear I was going to explode.

But....Devon, we didn't even know each other for long and my life is in the hands of well basically a stranger.

Forgetting that the man haven't completely left the room he startled me by saying "Oh and by the way don't try to get out of those chains agin because of you do...well things will take a nasty turn for you" he laughed while closing the door leaving me to the darkness and my thoughts.

Please Devon get here as fast as you can.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. This book is reallyyyy close to 100k and Im so excited even though my posts are far in between. But thank you to everyone that is still reading despite me and my sucky upload times.

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