Chapter 11

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"Nothing kills a man faster than his own head"-twenty one pilots


   The little time I spent with Devon I knew he was dangerous after all I did find him in an ally covered in blood but this...I didn't expect this.

Was he really capable of murder? How could someone really do things like that no matter the fault death is not the answer.

After seeing the news report I wasn't in the mood to watch anything and decided to just go to bed.

The only problem with that is that I can't sleep because my mind is clouded with thoughts of Devon and if he did kill those to men than why?

There had to be some type of rational explanation he couldn't have just...killer then like some rabid beast.

Not even a beast would kill with out reason only a monster would do that. And I would not believe that that's who he is.

I honestly don't know why I'm so caught up on him because it would be so much easier to just forget everything but as much as I've tried it seems as though my mind will not let me forget him.

I rolled onto my back and sighed while looking up at the ceiling. If I had just taken the normal route rather than the short cut then this man would not even be on my mind I sighed while rolling around once agin trying to stop my brain from thinking so much.

All of a sudden the lights in my room went out leaving me in the pitch black. I pulled the covers up to my chin while straining my eyes to see into my room but all I saw was vague shadows of things that weren't actually there.

I whimpered slightly while deciding to pull the covers completely over my head. I had always been afraid of he dark since I was little and had never grown out of it.

Even though there was never anything there it always petrified me. Right as I was beginning to slow my racing heart beat I heard a shuffle coming from the corner of my room making me freeze.

It was probably just me being paranoid but......what if it wasn't. I slowly brought the covers down to were my eyes were out and I could vaguely make out a shadow of a man in the corner of my room.

My eyes widened and before I could make a sound a hand came up and clamped itself around my mouth to keep me from screaming. I struggled in the persons hold trying to wiggle out of there arms. "Hunny I would stop struggling if I was You it only makes it harder for you" he whispers in my ear causing me to thrash around and bit onto his hand.

He let go with that hand but automatically grabbed me with the other and a cloth and brought it to my mouth. "Little bitch" he groaned while yanking me closer and covering my entire mouth with the cloth.

I knew this couldn't be a normal cloth and resisted breathing for as long as I could but eventually I gasped for air while inhaling whatever he had in cloth making me choke and start to feel tired.

"At a girl just breath in and out" the man cooed while taking the cloth out as I tried to keep my eyes open. "Please" I breathed out as the sleep was taking over. "Hunny this is nothing, you'll be begging for us to let you go later" he laughed as darkness finally took over my body.


It's been a good minute since I've uploaded and honestly I have no excuse as always but I am working on editing past chapters a lot and changing up the scenes quite a bit though I've only done the first 4 it won't mess up anything if you don't go back and reread but it will make more sense and clarify things that I didn't before though I still have more to edit.

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