Chapter 13

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"Be you and say fuck you to anyone who doesn't like that"-Shane Dawson


Five days.

It had been five days since I was brought to.....whatever this place was. I hadn't seen that man since the first night I was here which I was extremely grateful for.

I really hadn't see anyone since then other than the maid that came to bring me food twice a day.

I tried talking to here the first few times she came but she never answered and by the third day I stopped trying all together.

I don't know what exactly I had expected after the interaction with the man the first night. Maybe an interrogation or some form of torture but instead I was fed twice a day and was given new closes to change into.

On the second day I had discovered the chains attached to the cuffs were just long enough for me to go to the bathroom and just short enough for me not to reach the door.

At this point I don't know if Devon is even going to come at all. After all we were strangers and who would risk there life for someone they hardly new.

Today seemed different though. On day six I woke up to the sun illuminating the room like I did most days but....something felt off.

The room was eerily quiet and though I did not have a tv or anything to make sound I could usually hear the buzz of the air conditioning or the rustling of people walking down the hall followed by voices I could never clearly make out no matter how hard I tried.

I put it in the back of my mind thinking Mabye everyone was sleeping in and it was my imagination that something was off.

    But by the time the clock hit mid day I knew something was up because the maid usually came at eight or nine and was now late by many hours.

    I couldn't exactly do anything about it though since I couldn't even reach the door so I just sat and waited for something to happen.

    At some point I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by a loud bang that sounded like it came from down the hallway.

    I gasped as I sat up and looked around to see if there was anything I could use as a weapon and of course there was nothing even the lamp was built into the wall.

   As I heard footsteps come closer to the room I whimpered while backing farther into the headboard.

    The door slammed open as the guy from the first night looked around and caught my eyes and then stomped over to the bed.

   "Looks like your lover boy ison to us meaning we're gonna have to move you" he said while grabbing my wrist and unlocking the cuffs. I sighed as my hands were released after being cuffed for so long.

In my moment absorbed with my hands being free I forgot that I was still in captivity and this guy was not just letting me free.

He said lover boy.... wait that's Devon. "So he is looking for me" I whispered while letting a small smile grace my face and hope filling my body once agin.

They guy started to laugh as I whispered that and I looked up at him startled as I forgot about him still standing there. "You think he's actually going to be able to find you" he paused as he started to laugh agin.

"We want him to come to us we just need to move you so that he will be forced to get close and well" he stopped and looked at my face that had deflated from the hope to a stress ridden face and said "then we'll be able to take him out him".

"So I'm basically just the bait" I asked realizing I was the thing leading him to his death. Me. Why Hadn't I just taken the long way home that day instead of the shortcut.

"I think your finally getting a hang of this stuff. At first you seemed like you couldn't put 1 and 2 together. Now come on I have work to do and need you in the new location as fast as I can" he said while taking out a cloth from his back pocket.

"Oh god not this agin" I thought as he got closer to me. "He-y-y look I-ill do what y-you say no need for that".

"Oh I think there is" he said as he grabbed me in one swift move while stuffing the cloth in my face.

"This is just great back to sleep land for me" I thought as I once agin drifted into blackness.


Soooo close to 100k guys thank you for reading soooo much and I love you all❤️

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