Chapter 9

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"I don't believe in talking just to breath"-twenty one pilots


Blood. It's everywhere. It's coating my hands. I touch my hair and I can feel the blood that has dried and is now knotted in my hair.

I start to scrape at my head trying to get as much of the blood that is matted in my hair out, but the more I scrape it off, the more my hands are coated and the more I see my hands the faster I start to breath.

"No this isn't real it can't be I-I'm not a murder I-I'm n-n" I try to say as I start to cry. I could taste the salt as my tears ran down my face. But as I started crying harder I started tasing something a little less salty and more like when you lick a spoon... like... metal.

The blood.

"No no no this can't be happening, please god no" I sobbed as I tried to stand up and make my way to the bath room.

What I didn't think through though is what I was going to see.

I looked like a monster out of a horror story. My whole body was coated in blood. I had what looked like tears of blood rolling down my face.

"No no NO" I screamed as I punched the mirror shattering it while also getting tiny shards of is stuck in my hand.

I quickly turned on the faucet and started to scrub at my hands though since there was glass stuck in the cuts the rough scrubbing dragged the glass.

It started to tear at my hands cause lots of large cuts spewing more blood making what I had washed off appear once agin.

"No no no no" I started mumbling agin as I resorted to just scrubbing my face and hair.

I felt the blood start to come out in clumps from my hair slowly untangling my hair and the blood.

As if just realizing that my entire body was coated in the blood I quickly started stripping out of the clothes.

Once I had discarded of the clothes I scrubbed all of my body until there was no blood in sight other than my hand that still had glass in it.

I walked back into my room looking at the scene that surrounded me.

"I didn't mean too I swear it" I cried as I fell to my knees.

I quickly shot too my feet as someone called my name.

"Hello" I cried out shakily. "Who's there"

"Devon" the voice said agin.

"I swear if you don't come out now I-I'll" I paused remembering what I had already just done.


I quickly shot up panting as sweat coated my entire body.

"Hey Devon you ok" I jumped as I heard someone say from the side of my bed.

"Tony" I said shakily while looking at my surroundings.

"Hey it's ok it was just a dream" he said trying to calm me down.

I started to look at my hands realizing there was no blood on them. I then ran my hands through my hair to find that it was smooth and unknotted.

"Like I said just a dream" he repeated while looking me over.

"I'm not lucky enough to have things just be dreams Tony, though I wish they were"


Thought I'd give you guys a part from Devon's point of view.

Did you guys like it?

Also would you want to see more of his pov?

Also wanted to say thanks for 71k reads pretty crazy it has that many.

Btw I'm really craving hot fries right now anyone want to get me some?

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