Chapter 15

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Waking up has never been something I've enjoyed. Most people don't.

  I felt the sun on face and the pillow I was holding on too was the most comfortable thing ever. They way it moved up and down slowly as if rocking me to sleep. The subtle warmth it gave off. Wow I really needed a pillow like this back home.

    I sighed as I snuggled further into the pillow wanting to go back to my favorite place. Dream land.

But a rumbling in my pillow startled me out of my peaceful dream state. I slowly lifted me head to see why my pillow was acting so weird when I came face to face with a face.

No not a body pillow with some weird human face attached. A freaking human being.

Not just any human but Devon. Suddenly it clicked the fight, the television, the kidnap. It all came back to me.
My eyes widened as I looked at Devon realizing I was sitting on his lap.

"Your awake princess" he said as he caught me staring at him.

My eyes widens even further as I saw that I had my hands clinched around his shirt.

I quickly let go and tried to crawl off his lap when I realized What was going on.
"Not so fast" he said as he grabbed me and yanked me back into his lap. I wimperd slightly my hand reaching over to rub the wrist he grabbed which was red from the cuffs that were around them.

His eyes softened when he saw he had hurt me. He slowly reached down and picked up the hand he had grabbed and inspected it. He slowly rubbed it as the pain started to die down.

But instead of leaving it like that he slowly brought my wrist up to his lips and pressed a feather light kiss to my skin making my breath falter and my heart start to beat a million miles an hour. He locked eyes with me as he kissed the raw skin around my wrist.

I whimpered as I put my head in the crook of his neck not being able to hold such an intense stare.He slowly made his way around the mark kissing ever last bit of skin causing me to let out a sigh of content as I forgot where I was and who I was with.

As he came to a stop he left one more open mouthed kiss to my palm and then dropped my hand as if nothing ever happened.

"W-what was t-that" I asked as I slowly peaked up from his neck. "Nothing you should worry about" he brushed off as he pushed my head back down into his neck.

"Now sleep your father will kill me if I bring you back to him sleep deprived" my eyes lit up as I heard him mention my father. How I missed him so much.

"W-were going to m-my dad" i asked as I tried lifting my head once agin he pushed my head gently back into his neck.

"Yes we are now will you do what I say and sleep" he asked roughly.

"B-b-b-but..." I started to say as my breathing became more rapid. I had so many questions. Why was I in Devon's lap? Did he save me? why did this all happen? Where is the guy that took me" It all started to bubble up inside me until I just couldn't hold it back any longer.

I started to have a panic attack as I couldn't handle all these thoughts but I didn't want Devon to be made so I tried my best to be as quite as I could so that I wouldn't disturb him.

"Hey why are u crying" he asked as he lifted my face up from his neck so that he could see my face.

"Hey hey it's ok" he whispered as he he cupped my face in his hands. "Shush it going to be ok. Your ok alright? Just breath come on breath with me. In. And out. In. And out" he said as I slowly started to regain my lost breath and calm down.

"There you go" he whispered as he whipped away the last few years that were running down my face.

"I-I'm sorry I-I'm j-just really c-c-confu-used" I sniffled as I tried to look anywhere but his eyes.

"Hey it's gonna be ok I'll keep you safe I promise now please try to go to sleep alight?" He asked as I slowly nodded my head.

I cuddled back up into his neck seeing as it was the most comfortable thing even if he is scary.

The last thing I remember before I fell into a deep sleep were his hands running through my hair and his rough voice saying "what am I gonna do with you angel".

AN-So as always it's been forever. Thank you guys so much for reading it means a lot.❤️❤️

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