Chapter 10

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"Lance? Hello?" Keith snapped his fingers and Lance shook his head. "Huh?" Lance looked around and saw they were at shiros house. He doesn't even remember walking here."You've been spaced out for 15 minutes are you okay?" Keith grabbed the sides of lances face and pulled himself close, examining his face.

Lance blush it was all fake? Keith didn't die?.. it seemed so.. real?

"You're alive?" Lance looked down at Keith

"What? Are you high off the paint? Of course I'm alive!" Keith gave Lance a big smile.

When he smiles like that, it just seems so surreal, how can a human being have such a beautiful smile? When he smiles my heart skips a beat. I'm in love with this guy.

Lance looked away from Keiths brown eyes, he felt his face turn hotter. What's wrong with me? I can't even look at the guy.

Keith lifted lances face by his chin and looked him in the eyes. Keith  leaned in and Lance stood there frozen. Keith  moved his head slightly and kissed Lances cheek. "Come on! The painting isn't gonna do it's self!" He grabbed the buckets of paint and ran to the door.

Lance watched Keith giggle at himself. He smiled. He liked when Keith giggled. "Hey! Wait up loser!" He called out and grabbed the other buckets of paint that were on the floor. He caught up to Keith and laughed, Keith was stopped at the front of the door. "What are you scared?"

Keith shook his head and held up a finger "If I'm a 'loser' why'd you fuck me?" He made a sideways smirk.

Lance was so close to dropping his paint, he was not expecting that from Keith at all, "I- uh I" he stuttered, he was so damn shock he couldn't even talk. Keith laughed "i guess you're a loser too" he smiled at Lance and opened the door.

Lance laughed it off "you really do suck dude!"

He followed Keith inside and closed the door behind him. "He isn't home?" Lance whispered.

"It doesn't seem like it" Keith whispered back and looked around the house. "He must be out, let's go, we have to hurry!" Keith pulled into lances hand and led him into Shiros room.

Keith closed the door and Lance smirked "Wow Keith, Shiros bedroom though? I know you love me but didn't we just fuck like a couple days ago?" Lance smirked and set the paint down on Shiros desk.

Keith blushed "you idiot it's not like that! His bedroom is the the room in his house that's white you idiot, all the other rooms have colored wallpaper" he hit Lance on the back of his head lightly. Lance blushed "yeah okay mullet boy"

Keith rolled his eyes "again with this nickname?"

"I'm never gonna stop calling you it, mullet boy" he smirked and laughed loudly at Keiths face. His face looked so done with Lance.

"Let's just do this" Keith started to take the lid off of the paint, Lance did the same. They both dipped their hands in the paint buckets, making hand prints on the wall.

Lance drew enormous penis' with yellow paint all over the now colorful wall. While Lance drew silly faces Keith drew a flying monkey with a cape. "Keith what the fuck?" Lance laughed so hard and Kieth blushed

"it's better than a penis with a silly face!"

"hey this took a long time, appreciate my work of art" Lance kissed his fingertips and opened his hands "what a masterpiece" Keith rolled his eyes.


The wall were filled with penis's, quotes, random swirls, colors mixed together, animals, stick figures, random drawings and a heart that took up half the wall. One side of the heart was blue and the other half was red. In the heart were the words

"We hope you love our art work! From yours truly, Lance and Keith!"

Before Keith and Lance could do a couple more silly stuff they heard the front door open.

"Yeah the movie wa- does it smell like a paint or is it just me?" Keith heard Shiros voice beam through the house. Lance and Keith started to giggle uncontrollably, "Lance Lance shh" Keith tried to stop himself and Lance from laughing so much

Lance and Keith both tried so hard. All you can hear was loud giggling and "sh" coming from Shiros room.

"We need to leave" Lance looked around "we'll hide and when shiro comes in we'll run out"

"that's so basic Keith" Lance got up and opened the brown door half way, he peeked his head out and signaled to Keith to come next to him.

Keith got up and walked to Lance "ready?" Keith laughed and nodded. Lance grabbed his hand and they started to walk out of the room as quiet as they can. They turned to go into Shiros kitchen. Suddenly they were stopped by a pretty tall lady. She was pretty, she had long wavy baby blue hair and dark tan skin, darker than Lance. She wore a dark blue skirt and a short royal blue lace crop top.

"Shiro? Why is there two grown men in your house?" She called out. Lance widen his eyes and ran past the pretty girl. He dragged Keith with him. "What?!?" Lance heard footsteps come near them.

"Lance and Keith?!" Shiro had caught them. He was right behind them. Before Shiro could grab them and give them a lecture about being in people's house, Lance held Keiths hand tight and ran out of the house. Keith was full on laughing, he couldn't stop laughing. Lance and Keith ran so far that they ended up getting lost.

"I've never been so scared and excited my whole life! He was all like "WHAT?!" haha oh my god" Keith laughed his ass off while Lance had his hand on a tree while he had his other had on his chest, he was trying to catch his breath "I'm.. glad.. you.. had.. fun" he breathed heavy.

Keith laughed and nodded "we need to do more crazy stuff lance!" Lance was so surprised, he knew Keith was serious and never did stuff like this so hearing this coming from Keiths mouth was shocking.

"Oh trust me, my middle name is crazy!"

"Lance Crazy Ramirez?" Keith held a serious face for a second before he burst into laughter.

This is the most Lance has heard Kieth laugh. He loved it. "Come here and kiss me" Lance smiled and pulled a laughing Keith by his shirt.

He gave Keith a quick peck, Lance eyes drifted past Keiths, keiths eyes were sparkling and Lance swore he saw them twinkle.

[1.1k words] lol double update, I bet I made you guys freak out on the last chapter right? I like when Keith and Lance are like this idk,
Hah anyway I need sleep lol, goodnight <3

[im working on maybe 7 new Klance stories so be ready when I upload all of them lmao, seriously I'm working on so many Klance projects lol I can't wait for you guys to read them]


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