Chapter 12

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Keith got to lances place and was shocked to find all the lights off. The door wasn't locked so he let myself in. "Lance?" He called out. He was confused at why all the lights were off. He used his phone to provide light. He walked to lances room. He opened it and found Lance next to the the window which was wide open. Lance had a telescope right next to him.

"Lance what the hell?"

Lance turned around and smiled.

"Come look at the stars with me Keith!"
He pointed to the night sky that was covered in stars. It was rare for the sky to have so many stars where they lived so Keith was shocked.

He walked over to the long telescope and looked through it. He was in love with the stars.

He looked away. "Let's make a map of the stars." Lance turned on a little lamp he had and grabbed his note book and a pencil.

He started to draw little dots and stars. "Here draw some!" He handed Keith the pencil and Keith drew big stars.

"What's the point of this?"

"The stars never come out. It's a special night to remember. Plus it's with you." Lance shrugged, he wasn't sure himself why he wanted to do this.

The room was silent and cold. The wind from outside blew into the room, giving both boys chills.

The month was almost October so it was pretty cold.

Keiths lips trembled, he was cold. Lance noticed. He sat down on his bed and patted the spot next to him. "Come here." He grabbed his blanket and waited for Keith to sit next to him.

Keith sat down and Lance wrapped the blanket around both of them. "Keith?"


Lance didn't speak and neither did Keith. The silence was good enough for both of them.

Lance laid his head on Keiths shoulder. "Do you think we'll be together forever?"

Keith didn't believe in forever. He didn't believe that some one can love their partner forever. It was impossible right? But just maybe it was possible, maybe you could love someone forever. Keith didn't know.

"I hope so."

"Me too."

Keith intertwined his hand with Lances. He couldn't see much but the light that came from the window and the telescope. The room felt like it got bigger with the darkness surrounding them.

Keith didn't realize it but he was falling asleep. He fell asleep staring at the darkness.

Lance was wide awake though. He couldn't sleep. He stood up most of the night while staring at Keith and playing with his hair.

Lance wanted to sing to Keith. He wanted to do a lot of stuff. Not anything sexual even though Keith did turn him on, he wanted to be romantic with Keith.

Lance sat up and played with his hair. He was bored. He got up and walked to his bathroom. He turned the water on and stripped his clothes off.

He went into the hot shower. The water was warm and he loved how it felt against his exposed skin. The warm feeling made him feel good.

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you."

Lance just started to randomly sing and dance. He loved showers cause he do whatever he wanted. He did a whole dance. That was probably the longest time he's dance.

"But I love it!" He flipped his hair and swayed his hips.

After his 'little' dance he thought about October. If anything October was his favorite season. He loved getting free candy.

He thought about trick or treating with his friends and Keith but he didn't know if Keith would be up for it. He'll ask him tomorrow.

Lance poured shampoo on his hair and scrubbed it around. His hands were filled with bubbles. He played around with them, pretending he was covered in 'snow' he faked a shiver.

"Help help, I'm so cold." He faked a voice. "Here my friend some water!" All of a sudden actual cold water was being thrown at him. He was freezing "w-what the hell!?" He opened the curtain and saw a laughing Keith.

"Weren't you asleep?!" He covered his body.

"Sorry your singing was so loud oh my god you make up scenarios in the shower Lance?" Lance blushed in embarrassment.

"I was having fun shut up!"

Keith couldn't stop laughing. The fact that Lance was a blushing mess over something he did in the shower was funny to Keith.

Lance rolled his eyes. "You annoy me you know that?"

Keith nodded and still laughed.

Lance scoffed and went back to his shower. He was quiet the whole time while Keith teased him.

Do people still read this? I don't even know what this chapter is. also this story is coming to a end! Rip. But I am working on a ton of new stories so look out for those.

So anyway how was your day/night? :) I hope everything's good. I think I've lost a friend I'm not sure. I apparently don't know how to keep friendships.

Anyway I'm so excited for October!! It's absolutely one of my fave seasons!! The pretty brown and orange leaves,the cozy sweaters, the pumpkin smells that you smell on the streets.

What's your favorite season?

Ily bye <3

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