Chapter 1

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Jessica's P.O.V

"Ok! That's a wrap!" I yelled, spinning my finger in the air. I had just finished photographing a newly married couple. "Guys that was great. Would you like to see the pictures?"

They nodded and walked over to my laptop where all the photos were. I had one of my assisstants show them as I put my camera away. I strolled back over to them and they smiled. "The photos are amazing. You're truly talented." The women, Mrs Taylor, cooed.

I smiled back and thanked her. "Thank you so much."

Mrs Taylor looked over at her husband before looking back at me. "Hey, we have to get going now. Thank you again for the photos. When will we be able to get them?"

"Hmm, i'll have them developed as soon as I get back to the office then i'll send them to you through mail." I explained and they nodded. The couple gathered their things before walking off.

"Jess, Ms West is calling." My assisstant and really good friend, Samantha , said handing me the phone. I mouthed a thank you before taking the phone from her.

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I placed it between my shoulder and ear.

"Do you not know how to answer your phone? I've been calling." She spoke clearly annoyed. Ms West was the head of the company I worked for. She was always so stern and bossy.

"Sorry, I've just finished the shoot. Why is ther-"

"Hurry up and get back to the office. I need to speak to you." She interupted hanging up on me before I could even respond. I sighed and shoved the rest of my belongings in my bag.

"Hey, Jess? We can finish packing up here. I think Ms West needs you more than we do." Samantha laughed looking behind her at the rest of my colleagues.

"Are you sure?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her.

"Pffft, of course. Go on Jess. Get lost now." She said pushing me away. I rolled my eyes and quickly said a goodbye before walking to my car. I turned on the engine and pulled out of the car park and onto the busy road. LA was always busy. I drove as fast as I could, trying not to crash into any cars as I did. Let's just say Ms West was not very patient. I parked my car before making my way up to her office on the top floor. As I turned the corner I crashed into a tall, messy brown haired boy with the greenest eyes I had ever seen. He was c-u-t-e.

"Oh crap. I'm sorry." He mumbled bending down to pick up his belongings. I bent down to help him.

"Gosh, don't apologise, it's the corners fault." I joked which made him chuckle. Wow real smooth. Who says that?

"Thanks for the help." He smiled as he took the last peices of paper from me. "I'm Aiden by the way."

"You're welcome, Aiden." I said grabbing his hand and shaking it. "I'm Jessica and i'd love to stay and chat, but I need to go somewhere right now."

He let go of my hand and stepped out of my way so that I could go. "Of course. Yeah, and thanks again, Jessica and uhm, i'll see your around." He smiled again before disappearing around the corner.

I breathed out in relief. "Thank goodness that was over. Jessica you're so stupid. Never try to be funny infront of a cute guy. ever." I told myself. I got into the elevator and up to Ms West. Gosh she'll be pissed.
"Ms West? You wanted to speak to me?" I asked quitely as I opened the door slowly.

"Well you certainly took your time." She said standing up from her leather chair. "Sit down. I need to speak to you."

I did as I was told and took a seat on one of her red velvet chairs opposite her desk. "I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but you are one of the best photographers we have in this company and I want you to reach your full potential. A manager for a band called today and said they wanted a photographer for one of their tours and I suggested you for the job. Do you want to do it?"

My jaw dropped. Not because of the job offer, but the fact that she complimented me. I was in utter shock. "I-uh. I- yes. I'll take the job." I said over whelmed by the news. I had only ever done small projects.

"Fantastic. The tour starts in 2 weeks so you have time to prepare. You'll be flying to Australia in a few days, I already have a plane ticket booked for you, to meet with the manager and the band. The tour lasts for about 6 months. All you have to do is take photographs while they perform. Yes?"  She spoke quickly and right now, my brain could only take so much news.

"Yes, ok. That's perfectly fine. That's great even." I smiled, excited to do a bigger project. "Wait, who will I be photographing?"

"5 Seconds of Summer."


Hey guys! Short chapter to begin with but I promise it'll get better! Stay with me guys! yayyyyy!

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