Chapter 18 - Final

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Jessica's P.O.V

2 years later

I didn't know how many times I had read the message that had been living in my drafts ever since I found out a certain band would be staying in NY to record their up coming album.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling. "Just do it, Jess. C'mon, grow a pair of balls and just send it." I muttered to myself and went to press the send button, when I backed out. "That's crazy. I can't do this."

I went to press the backspace button until my secretary and good friend, Samantha, came in unexpectedly and scared me. "Gosh, Sam! Next time can you knock?" I half yelled and she seemed a bit taken back since I rarely yelled at her. I wasn't that type of boss.

"Sorry, Jess." She apologised and I instantly felt bad. I sighed heavily. "Rough day?" She placed a coffee on my desk and sat on the opposite chair.

"More like, rough 10 minutes." I smiled weakly. She just nodded and returned the smile.

"Well, I have the folders you wanted. Is there anything else I can get you?" She asked and a smirk formed on her lips. "Like a boyfriend? I mean, that Aiden boy is still free?" Although she was my secretary, she was still a friend, which gave her the unfortunate right to say these things.

I glared at her. "Don't make me go boss mode on you, Sam." I warned and all she did was shrug.

"I can't help it. You've been single for what? Years already?" She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm waiting for the right guy." I mumbled and this time it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"Your so called 'perfect guy' is probably stuck in traffic,on another planet,in another universe then."

"Sam, don't you have work to be doing? Hurry on now." I said.

She held both hands in the air as she stood up. "Geez, alright alright. I'm going!" Before she left the room, she turned around to me. "Are we still having lunch at that new pizza place?"

"Well duh!" I said and she laughed before leaving. I went back onto my phone to read the message again, but my eyes nearly popped out of my head. I had accidently sent the message when Sam came into the room and scared me. "I wish life had an undo button."

Luke's P.O.V

"HOLY SHIT." I yelled as I read the text repeatedly in my head. The boys looked at me,curiously after my sudden out burst. "Guys! Look!" I pointed at my phone screen.

"Luke, we don't care if you found a cheap pair of black jeans, we're trying to watch a damn movie." Michael complained.

"Will you just come here! It's important." He groaned and pulled himself off the floor to look at my phone. He gasped and I shot him an 'i-told-you-so' face.

"Holy shit is right!" Michael yelled, taking my phone from me.

"What is it, Mikey?" Calum asked as he grabbed the phone from him, only to be taken by Ashton.

"Jessica messaged you?" He asked in shock. He read the text out loud.

From Unknown
Hey, Luke. It's Jessica. I heard you'll be in NY for a while and I was wondering if you'd like to grab coffee some time? I'd really like to talk.

"What if it isn't Jess and it's some crackhead crazy fan?" Calum asked. I shrugged.

"I guess I'm gonna find out." Michael took the phone from Ashton.

"Hmmm, this text is fishy. Where did she even get your number from?" I shrugged again before snatching my phone back.

"If you guys are done playing pass the parcel with my phone," I started, glaring at them. "I'd like to send a message back." I began typing a message, but the other 3 fanboys were breathing down my neck as they watched me. "It's hard to concentrate on texting when you have 3 idiots staring at your phone as if it was a rare gem.

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