Chapter 12

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Jessica's P.O.V

"Ok so tell me again why you're so excited to have this sleepover?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows as she ran across the room squealing like a little girl.

"Excited? No." She smiled waving me off.

"Really?" I asked, dragging the word on. "That smile says otherwise."

"I'm just... happy to see Calum."

I rolled my eyes knowing full well that wasn't the reason. She's up to something and i'm gonna find out what. "That's the most stupid excuse ever. You're always talking and always together. You're basically just one person."

"Don't be salty." She glared. "Can't I just be happy?" Just then there was a loud knocking sound and Meghan squaled once more, running to it.

"Not this much." I muttered, following her.

"HELLO BOYS." Meghan yelled wrapping her arms around Calum. Maybe she wasn't kidding about wanting to see Calum.

"Boys? You literally just greeted Calum." Michael scoffed shoving past the two.

"Damn, Mikey. You're salty too." Meghan stuck her tongue out.

"Your room is a mess." Ashton examined our hotel room, scrunching his face up.

"I'm sure yours isn't any better." I rolled my eyes flopping down onto my bed, Luke sitting on the end of it.

"It probably smells like ball sack, farts and 3 day old underwear." Meghan blurted out as she and Calum walked to her unmade bed.

I pulled a look of disgust. "That's gross. How would you even know what ball sack smells like?"

"Her and Calum have had their share of.. 'intimate moments'." Michael spoke while doing a 'handjob' motion, making everyone laugh but Meghan and Calum.

"Just cause you don't have any intimate moments yourself." Calum scoffed.

"Not true, me and Luke have had our share. Isn't that right Lucas?" Michael smiled.

"Michael, fuck off." Luke chuckled moving farther away from him. He moved closer to me however he was still barely sitting on the bed.

"Fine, go cuddle with your Jessica." Michael frowned pretending to be hurt.

"I might just." Luke mumbled, thinking I didn't hear.I raised my eyebrows at him. I wouldn't mind.

Meghan cleared her throat before yelling. "Truth or dare."

The boys groaned. "We're not in high school anymore!"

Meghan smiled, however it looked like a more forced one and her eyed were open wide. She spoke through gritted teeth. "Guys, remember. We had this sleepover for a reason... to become more close with eachother." She laughed at the end. She's getting weirder.

"Truth or dare it is." Calum clapped his hands getting off the bed and sitting on the small space on the floor between the tv and the beds.

"Wow, are we really sitting on the floor too? Our legs are long as fuck." Luke said, slowly pushing himself off my bed.

"We might aswell add a bottle to add to this. I feel like I'm in highschool all over again." I laughed. Except I wouldn't really know how that actually felt..

"W-what?" Luke paused looking me in the eye.

"What what?" I asked back, confused with his reaction.

"What? Nothing." Luke cleared his throat before awkwardly sitting down on the floor.

"Ok!" Calum shouted as I sat on the floor between Meghan and Luke. Calum looked around and an imaginary ligh bulb lit up above his head when he saw a long can of hairspray. "This will be our bottle." He placed it down on the floor and spun it. Let the game begin.


Luke's P.O.V

A ton of stupid dares and embarassing truths later, our make-shift bottle stopped, landing on me and Meghan. She smiled deviously.

"Truth or dare blondie?" Shit, which one do I choose? Maybe if I choose dare, I won't have to do anything that bad? If it's something to do with Jessica? I need her consent first, but what if-. "Luke? I just asked  'truth or dare', not some life threatening question."


She pretended to think, but she already had something in mind. I knew she did. "I dare you to... kiss Jessica."

I glared at her and she just shrugged. I looked at the other boys who were avoiding my cold stare. "Meghan-"

"C'mon Luke, 5 seconds." Meghan smiled.

"But-" i began, but Jessica spoke up.

"I don't mind.. unless you really don't wanna." Jessica mumbled, barely above a whisper beside me.

I looked at her in shock. Had she really just said that? "See, Jek-Jessica doesn't seem to mind." Meghan smirked again, throwing her arm around her.

"I'm a bad kisser." I blurted out, trying to avoid the dare somehow.

"We all know that's bullshit." Ashton rolled his eyes. "You used to make out with girls all the time and-" Michael elbowed him and Ashton let out a groan.

"Just do the dare, so we can move on!"

I gulped turning my body to face Jessica who was blushing like mad. Suck it up Luke. She isn't going to remember. What can a stupid kids trigger?  She nodded before I could ask her if she was ok with it. She looked as if her life depended on it. I slowly leaned in and she did the same. It felt like hours before our lips finally met. The feeling was one that I hadn't felt in so long. Too long. Sure, I had my share of kisses through the years, but hers were different. They were soft, yet meaningful. I hesistantly cupped her face with my hand, until I felt something wet against my thumb. Was she crying? I pulled away quickly to see her with red eyes and slightly tear stained cheeks. Before I could say anything, she bolted out of the hotel room. I sat there confused and stunned.

"Don't just sit there." Ashton slapped my arm, which somehow snapped me out of my daze. Fuck.

I dashed out of the room and saw her running down the hotel hallway to the stairs. I ran after her, calling her name. We were probably almost to the bottom of the stairs when I caught her by the wrist and pulled her into a tight hug. What are you doing Luke?

She immediately broke down crying, barely able to stand. "Jessica." I breathed out, still tired from the running. We stayed like that for a while until she pulled away, her eyes more blood shot than before. "Am I that bad of a kisser?" I joked trying to make her smile.

"N-no, I just- w-why did.. it just-" she started, but her eyes quickly began to fill with tears again. She breathed in, trying to compose herself. "When you kissed me, it felt so familiar.. too familiar. It was like it triggered something inside of me. Like, a key was turned and unlocked a door that hadn't been opened in a while or when you hear a song and the name of it is at the tip of your tongue, but you can't quite get it."

I stared at her in shock. "H-have I ever told you?" She asked. I shook my head slowly, not fully understanding what she meant.

"Mum said that, I-I got amnesia. She said I slipped and my head hit the floor pretty hard." She spoke softly, sitting on the step. I bit my lip knowing that wasn't true. "I haven't been able to remember anything. Not even a little bit. I have this massive empty feeling inside of my head all the time and I try so hard every night to remember anything. Something. The doctors said I mighr not be able to get my memories back. It's been too long."

"So, w-what do you remember?"

"I-I remember.. waking up at home, with mum beside me." I mumbled.

"Do you remember anything when you were in the hospital? Anything at all?" I asked her, biting my lip so hard, I might have drawn blood.

"No." I frowned. I let out a shakey breath. "Tell me, Luke. H-have we met before?"



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