Chapter 17

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Luke's P.O.V

The world hated me. It really did. There had been heavy traffic throughout our whole journey. Any hope of ever seeing her again started to slip.

Finally, we arrived at the airport. "Go get your girl, Luke!" The boys cheered as I ran into the airport.

"Sorry sir, you can't enter this part of the airport unless you have a ticket." The security guard said. Oh cmon, surely I had seen enough romance movies to know these cliché moments. Except the emotions that I was feeling weren't cliché or aywhere near romantic. I was panicking so much I felt as though I would pass out.

"But sir, I-I just need to go in there for just a few minutes. I promise." I spoke quickly. The securting guard shook his head and I cursed myself mentally. I began walking away in defeat when Meghan suddenly ran past me with Calum trailing behind her.

"Sir! Sir please help! My bag was stolen! My bag! The man ran that way! Please!" Meghan cried, pointing in the opposite direction. Calum turned to me and motioned towards the entrance of the airport. "Sir please!"

"Of course, of course." The officer said and spoke through his walkie talkie for a replacement. They walked off and I quickly ran inside. Meghan could be an actress.

Great, the airport was massive. Where the hell could she be? I looked around hurriedly. Come on, Ross. Where are you? Where are you? I squinted and focused my attention on a girl walking towards towards the check in point. It wasn't just a girl, it was the girl.

"Ross!" I yelled as I ran to her. She didn't hear me until I shouted her name the 4th time. She turned around and walked faster. I used whatever energy I had left and ran as if my life depended on it. I mean, it did.

I grabbed her wrist, making her spin around to face me. Our faces were so close and if I moved, our lips would surely be touching. She quickly pushed me away and turned back around. "Please, Jessica."

"Leave me alone."

"We need to talk." I chased after her, trying to get her to stop walking.

"No. I don't wanna talk to you. I said everything I wanted to." I stood infront of her and blocked her way. She folded her arms and glared at me as I attempted to catch my breath.

"You've said what you wanted to say, now let me." I pleaded in between breaths. "Please, Jessica. Just a few minutes."

She pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket and threw it harshly at me. I bent down to pick it up and open it. "You found it."

"That pretty much sums everything up now, doesn't it? We don't need to talk. You said it all in that." She spat, trying to walk past me. Grabbing her shoulders to keep her infront of me, I bent down slightly so that our eyes were almost level.

"For fucks sake, please stop being difficult and listen to me! I did not leave a concert early, cause chaos on twitter, run through traffic, run all over the place to find you just so you can walk away from me like this." I shouted in frustration, immediately regretting it after. Did I have any right to be angry? "Listen to me." My tone softened.

She opened her mouth to say something then closed it. I continued, "Look, I know what i did was selfish and you have every right to hate me. You can slap me, leave me, drill a hole through my head, but I'm not letting you walk away like this, not knowing how I truly feel. Not again."


"Shut up and listen ok? I could say sorry a million times, but sorry will never be enough and that's what hurts the most. No matter what I do or say right here, right now, it'll never be able to fix what I did to you. I can't rewind and undo what I did. I hurt you and god, I can't even start to imagine what hell I put you through." We probably looked like crying idiots, but I didn't care. "I don't deserve your forgiveness and I'm not asking you to stay, but I just.. I just want to let you know that I love you and if there ever comes a day where you need me or you somehow manage to forgive me, I'll be here waiting and I promise I'll wait till my last breath. I'm so sorry, Jessica. I'm sorry."

I sobbed and so did she. We stayed like that for a while until she wiped her tears with her black sweater. She bit her lip to hold back even more tears. It took me by surprise when she punched my arm. "Fuck you." She muttered punching my arm again. "No matter how much pain you put me through, I still can't bring myself to hate you because even after all of this, even after all these years, you're still the boy I fell in love with."

I was beyond shocked. She still.. loved me? I was about to speak when a voice boomed throughout the airport. "Flight 342 to New York City. Departure in 20 minutes."

"My flight." She mumbled, avoiding my eyes. She breathed in and then let out a shakey breath. "I-I need to leave. Goodbye, Luke."

"Wait, Ro-Jessica." I pulled her back and pulled her into a hug one last time. I never wanted this moment to end, but of course it did. This wasn't some fairytale. It was the cold reality of losing someone you loved. "I'll be here, waiting." I muttered.

I nodded her head before turning around to leave. Was this the last time I'd ever see her again? Was I ever going to get her back? I watched with sadness as her small figure disappeared behind the doorway. My heart shattered as I felt a single tear run down my face. Goodbye, Ross.

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