Chapter 2

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Jessica's P.O.V

I hopped out of the office absolutely ecstatic. I skipped down the hallway and turned the corner only to crash into someone again. I fell backwards and landed on my butt.

"Hey, we gotta stop meeting like this." The same messy brown haired boy said holding his hand out to help me up.

"Oh, Aiden is it? Hi. I'm so sorry for running into you again." I scratched the back of my head nervously. Don't attempt to be funny. Pft, you're already funny looking.

"No, it's good. It's the corners fault." He chuckled, copying my words from a while ago. "Do you, wanna grab some coffee with me?"

Omg, stop staring. Answer him stupid. "Yes." I blurted out which made me sound so desperate.

"Well, ok then. Let's go." He smiled leading the way to his pearl white Audi. I got inside and so did he.

"Do you work here?" I asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

He shrugged. "Just starting here." He glanced at me and I nodded. "What about you? You looked super happy when I bumped into you. I'd like to believe you still are."

"I have a new project and I was complimented by my boss." I beamed.

Aiden took a quick glance at me with his eyebrow raised. "Who's your boss and why would you be so happy?"

"Ms West. She's the head of the company and she can be a real pain the ass. She's always complaining and super impatient. Good luck on trying to put up with her." Aiden chuckled. "Why are you laughing? She's terrifying. You should be cowering in fear."

"I put with her on a daily basis." He laughed looking at me then back on the road. I furrowed my eyebrows still on undestanding. "She's my mum, Jessica."

Realisation hit me and I instantly regretted what I said. "I meant, she's like, a really nice person sometimes. Uhm sorry I-"

"Pft, don't be sorry. I agree." He smiled. "I promise I won't tell her." We arrived at a small coffee shop and he parked infront of it. He hopped out of the car to open my door and I thanked him.

I breathed out in relief as he locked the car. "Thank goodness. I thought I was about to lose my job."

He laughed opening the cafe doors for me. "Don't worry about that. She can be a pain. If you think working for her is bad, just imagine living with her." He whispered to me as we sat down at a small wooden table by the window which made me giggle.

A waitress came up to us with a note pad and pen on her hand. "What d'ya wanna order?" She asked while chewing gum.

"Just 2 coffees." Aiden smiled at the waitress and she giggled before walking away. "So tell me about that project that made you so happy."

"You seriously wanna talk about that?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah I'm interested."

"Well, I'm going to be a tour photographer for a band. Do you know who 5sos is?" I explained to him.

"Yeah, I've heard some of their songs. They seem alright. Have you met them before?" He asked curious.

"Nope, but i'm leaving in a few days to meet them and their manager. I'm so excited, i've never met anyone famous before."

Aiden pouted. "So, I won't be seeing you for a while then? That sucks I just met you."

Was he... flirting? FlIRT BACK!! "Oh, well, when I get back, we could always go out sometime."

He smiled. Just then, our coffee arrived and we both said our thank you's. "I'd like that. Maybe I can visit you sometime while you're on the job."

"I'd like that also." I don't know how long we had been talking, the sun had started to go down and our coffee had been long gone ages ago. "Crap, I gotta go home. My mums probably calling the police by now trying to find me." I joked.

"I can drive you home." He said standing up from the table.

"Oh no, that's fine. Could you drop me off at the office? We kinda left my car there." I laughed.

"Oh yeah! Damn! I forgot! Yeah, i'll drop you off there. Let's go." He replied. He did as he said and dropped me off at the office so I could get my car. "Hey, Jessica? I had fun today. I won't be seeing you until you come back so, goodbye." He gave me a hug and wow did he smell GOOD.

"Yeah, i had fun too. I'll see you around, Aiden. Hopefully i'll crash into you sometime." Aiden waved goobye before driving off down the street.

Wow, Jessica. So smooth.

Jessica's P.O.V

"Mum i'm home!" I yelled unlocking the front doors with my keys then locking it afterwards.

"Jess! Sweetheart! Where have you been?" She asked walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"Sorry mum, I was with Aiden." I said forgeting to even explain who he was. She raised her eyebrows at me and smiled.

"Who's Aiden hmmm?" She teased as if she was a hugh schooler. I rolled my eyes and walked away from her.

"He's my boss' son and luckily, he doesn't have the same attitude as her." I joked then I remembered something more important. "Mum! Wait! I have news for you!"

"Ooo, tell me. Go on." She said very interested.

"I got a new project and it's way bigger than anything I've ever done!" I squealed, excited to tell her. She waited for me to continue. "I GET TO BE A TOUR PHOTOGRAPHER!"

"Oh my goodness, i'm so proud of you. That's a big deal. Who will you be photographing?" My mum asked eager to find out. I paused for effect and my mum rolled her eyes.

"5SOS!" I screamed jumping around everwhere. "They're a famous band. Just imagine, my photography seen by so many people. Omg!" I looked at my mum and her smile was replaced by worried eyes and a frown.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked and I looked at her in disbelief.

"W-what are you talking about? Mum were you even listening to me? We're talking about a famous band. This could be my big break." I frowned. "What's the matter?"

"I- i'm just worried. You'll be gone for a while and are you in the right state of mind? You're panic attacks, medication.."

"Mum, i'm 19. I'm sure I can handle myself. I can't let this stupid amnesia and the effects of it determine what i'm gonna do with my life. I'll be fine, it's only 6 months don't worry." I reassured her. She nodded her head and I went up to my room, tired.
"I missed you bed. You're my easiest hello and hardest goodbye." I mumbled to myself before falling asleep.

Not the best chapter, I apologise, but hopefully you guys at least kinda liked it :-) Just a filler chapter for now to get all of you guys worked up. How d'ya like Aiden btw? He's one flirty beast.

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