The Ballad of A Broken Friendship

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There we were, young, wild, and free, standing in the middle of the crowd. We became the closest of friends, laughing out loud. The hourglass turned, the sands of time dripped. With every grain of sand, you gained my trust more and more. I unmasked myself and revealed to you my scarred face—something I have never done before. I offered you my only prized possession, my most valuable treasure, my fragile heart.

However, I was caught unprepared.

Alas! You turned right around and you tore me apart. You bruised my heart, my mind, my soul, my entire being. You think I don't know what you've said behind my back? You think you're so perfect? You think you understand me, but no, you never understood me at all. You saw me writhing in the pain you have struck upon me, yet you pretend like you do not know the reason why I am in hell.

Indirectly yet intentionally, your heart was betraying mine.

You only care for me whenever I have something of use to you. You think you can just abuse my kindness whenever you please. Granted, I did offer you all that I have, but that does not give you the right to shatter me.

The excruciating pain you have brought upon me has eaten my soul away. Swiftly and surely, my heart withered, like a damned spirit thrown into the pyre, left to burn and scream in agony.

What did I ever do to you to deserve this Gehenna? I, who gave you every morsel of my being. I, who gave you the sun, the moon, and the stars. I, who gave you the shards of my broken self in hopes of being put back together by you.

I was wrong about you, very wrong about you. However, you were also wrong about me, very, very, wrong about me. Now I feel no more, and so I shall collect the payment of your long overdue debt.

You are the predator, and I, the prey. But I am thrilled to tell you that the tides have changed and the winds of fate are now on my side. It has favored the oppressed.
Now that I have broken free from your deadly curse, I want you to make me happy, and the only way to do that is for you to pay the price. I realized you are the reason why my heart no longer beats.

Remember, as I turn my back on you, it is because you have done the same right from the start. You have lost me, and you will never get me back. Everything has come to an end.

Don't you ever dare say that you are sorry, or say that you care. I know you are a heartless beast. I will never trust you again. You have wrecked me. I was wrecked by a friend, by my best friend. The next time you need a friend, I will no longer be there. I will let you rot and make you feel the way you have made me feel.
Heed my warning! You will mourn this day, the day you lost me.
I have become a nightmare, a son of the shadows and it is all because of you. You turned me into this monster, and now I am telling you this:
I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible, and when I leave, you will finally understand why storms are named after people.


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