11: lies

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Jazmin's POV

Group Chat

Me: heyyy guys! wanna hang out?

Kenia: OMG YESS!! Where have you been?

Jenn: I'm down.

Me: with my brothers friends :/ but I seriously have A LOT TO TELL YOU

Jenn: where do you want to meet?

Kenia: Starbucks!!!

Me: the one by 7-eleven?

Kenia: yeah that one

Jenn: okay but what time?🤔

Me: four?

Jenn: yeah see you then.

Kenia: Yayy!

Since I was already dressed I decided to chill for a bit. I read the book that I was currently ready which was, Paper Towns.

I checked my phone which was charging on my nightstand. It read 3:50.

I went down stairs to see the boys playing on the XBOX.

"Erick can you please take me to Starbucks???" I pleaded.

"Um..." he looked at Chris as if asking for permission. I saw that Chris nodded and Erick turned back a me. "Sure"

"Thank you!"

We walked to the door and Erick said "I'll be back."

Chris just nodded since he was so into the game. Classic Chris.

We walked to his car. He opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I muttered as I got in.

Why was he all of a sudden being nice? The day we went to the pool he was so dirty it was uncomfortable.

He went around and finally got in the car.

"What Starbucks are we going to?"

"Umm... the one by 7-eleven."

"Who's gonna be there?"

"Why you asking so much questions?"

"Sorry. Just trying to be protective for you."

"Protective for me?" I Scoffed.

"Yeah" he said unsteady.

"Why are you being like this all of a sudden." I told him.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is why are you being nice all of a sudden."

"I've always been nice." He said.

"Lies." I crossed my arms.

"It's true!"

"No it's not! Why did you wrap your arms around me and called me mami when we went to the pool!"

He stayed quiet.

Luckily he just pulled up in the Starbucks driveway.

"Thanks for the ride" I muttered. And slammed the door.

I watched him pull out of the drive way as he headed towards my house.

I need to get over him. I need to.

I went inside and order a tall vanilla bean. I looked for Kenia and Jenn. I saw them sitting together on their phones. I sat with them.

"Jazmin! I missed you!"" They said.

"I missed you guys too. Chris gave me the day to be with you guys. And I have a lot to tell you guys."

"That's nice of him." Kenia half blushed.

Kenia has had a crush on my brother ever since sixth grade when we all met.

Secretly, Christopher has a crush on Kenia too but, he doesn't like showing it since he calls my friends annoying.

"So what happened these passed days?" Jenn asked.

I took a deep breath and told them everything that went down with Erick...


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