18: chismes

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*previously on teen mom...*
    I'm just kidding!!!

When I finally caught my breath I once again smashed my lips onto hers. She pulled away this time. "Erick we shouldn't be doing this..."

*back to reality*🙂

Jazmin's POV
What the fuck was happening? Erick and I basically had a makeout session. It seemed so wrong but it felt so right...

"What do you mean?" Erick said.

"I mean..." I took a moment to think about it. "I mean we shouldn't be doing this because of Christopher..."

"Come on" he smiled.

"No Erick, I'm sorry... I don't think I'm ready to move on." I looked down.

He put his hand in my chin and lifted my head up. "It's okay... I-I get it." His voice cracked.

I looked at his eyes which had a tear rolling down. No no no!  "Erick? Are you okay? Why are you crying??" I sounded worried which I was.

"I-It's nothing" he looked away.

"No Erick. Tell me what's wrong."

"I can't tell you." He looked down.

"Yeah you can... y-you can trust me."

"Fine I'll tell you. The reason why I'm such a mess, is because the fact that you're not sure you can move on because of that...Marco guy."

"H-How do you know about... M-Marco?" I asked seriously.

"Christopher kinda told me." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh I'm gonna kill him!"

I ran out the room.

"Jazmin wait!" I heard Erick say.

I barged into Chris's room.


"What's wrong with you?" Chris sat up from his bed.

"Why did you tell Erick about Marco?!" I yelled at him.

He got up and grabbed my shoulders and said, "tranquila tranquila."

I stepped back from Chris. "I won't chill Christopher why are you telling my business!"

"I-I'm just trying to help Erick."

"So you're helping Erick by telling stuff about me and my life? Chris I thought you were different." (a/n smh chris)

"You don't get it!"

"Get what! That you're going around telling chisme about me?!" I yelled.

"N-No that's not it."

"What ever chris bye."

I ran back to my room. Erick was sitting on my bed like a cute little puppy. Jazmin! Now is not the time!

"Erick c-can you please leave." I said on the verge of crying.

"What happened with you and Chris? Are you okay? You need to talk?" He asked worriedly. He actually cares. Maybe he really isn't the guy I thought he was...

"Please leave!" I said now sobbing.

Erick ran to be and pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong babygirl?"

Omg Erick are you trying to kill me?

"Ask Christopher. He likes to tell people stuff about me anyway."

He pulled away from the hug.

"Chris is not like that."


He pulled me into another hug. I love his strong arms. I feel safe.

"I better see if Chris is okay. If you need anything please call me. Please"

Awe he cares.😭

"I will. Thanks Erick." I smiled shyly. I felt my cheeks get hot. Shit....

Erick's POV:

I honestly like Jazmin so much I feel the need to care for her.

I walked into Chris's room. He looked... upset? or sad maybe? I'm not sure.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah i guess."

"What happened?"

"Me and Jazmin got into a fight because I told you about Marco"

"Then it's my fault this happened." I felt guilty.

"No it's not. It's mine but I'm just trying to help you with Jazmin. I trust you and I want the best for Jazmin even though I'm gonna get jealous here and there..."

I felt relieved it wasn't really my fault. I'd hate to know Im the one who's hurting Jazmin.

"So what are you gonna do?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like what are you going to get you and Jazmin to get back along."

"I'm not sure."

This is going to be hard. Jazmin is sensitive and I'm not sure how to help Chris in this situation...


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