17: peppermint ♡

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Jazmin's POV:

I think what kenia said was right. I should start getting over Marco. But it's hard you know? Like he broke my heart... and I don't know whether I should move on or not.

"You okay?" Jenn asked with a worried look.

I honestly forgot she was here... I was lost in my thoughts right now. "H-huh? Oh yeah I'm f-fine" I sad nervously.

"I'm so sure that's not true " she replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're not okay. Tell me what's wrong."

"It's the whole Marco and erick thing. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move on or not. Any advice?"

"Well marco is an asshole so you should just get over him. And it's obvious that Erick loves you... so why won't you give him a chance? Either way... isn't he like... gonna live with you and chris for the rest of the summer?"

"Yeah he is gonna stay with us."

"You see? This gives you a chance. Anyway it's getting late so I have to go." She said getting up.

"Okay... thanks for the advice. I'll think about it."

"Hey no prob. Text me if you need anything."

"Alright. Bye."

"Bye" she said.

Christophers POV:

Me and erick were planing some stuff. But I'm not sure if I totally agree on this. I may be a nice and caring brother and all... but I'm jealous. I don't want to see my little sis grow up fast.

So the plan was is the erick will go talk to her and I guess they'll kiss. Hopefully it wont get too heated or else I have to kick erick outta the house.

Ugh. I think I'm more nervous than erick, I mean... just thinking about him kissing my baby sister... gets me mad. But it's just my jealousy so I should just chill.

"So should I do it now ? 0r tommorow?"

"I think you should get over it and do it now." I glared at him.

"Hey, if you don't want me to do this to your sister than we should make up another plan before you kill me." He said nervously.

"No its fine I guess. Let's just hope this works."

"Okay" He took a deep breath, and went out the door.

Ericks POV:

"So should I do it now? Or tommorow?"

"I think you should just get over it and do it now." Chris said.

I noticed he was glaring at me with... anger? I'm not sure if he doesn't like the plan, or if he's just jealous about the fact that the plan is to kiss jazmin.

I told him that I didn't have to do this but he just agreed that I can do It and said to hope that this plan works.

I took a deep breath and said "okay" I left his room.

I walked up to jazmin's room and door was closed. I was about to knock when a trail of thought hit me... what if I have bad breath?

I quickly went downstairs to th kitchen. I looked for something gum, peppermints anything!

I finally found a jar of peppermints and I quickly ate one. It might have been three, but it's fine. Right?

I slowly walked up stairs. I walked up to jazmin's room. Once again I stopped at her door. By now I was shaking of how nervous I was. I knocked. I listened if she said anything but I heard nothing. I knocked again.

"Come in!" I heard Jazmin say.

I opened the door. When she saw me she stood up.

"Hi jazmin" I smiled walking up to her.

"Hey" she said coldly. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh I just wanted to talk to you." I smirked.

"A-about?" I sensed a hint of nervousness in her voice. Perfect😈

"Oh about how gorgeous you are." I smirked grabbing her waist.

I felt her get stiff to my touch but she didn't pull away. "W-why would you want to talk about that?" She asked.

We were now in the middle of the room staring at each other's eyes. My eyes gazed down at her lips and back to her eyes. She did the same thing . I'm not sure how this kissy thing works so I'll just go with the flow. I just did it.

I smashed my lips onto hers. Somehow, I manged to pin her against the wall. Her small hands were in my hair, and she was tugging on it lightly. Omg this my first kiss. I pulled away smirking, "You taste like peppermint" she giggled. When I finally caught my breath I once again smashed my lips onto hers. She pulled away this time. "Erick we shouldn't be doing this..."


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