16: dejame explicarte

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Christopher's POV:

"I'll be back." I kissed and Kenia on the cheek and went to look for Erick.

I went downstairs to the living room but he wasn't there. I checked the kitchen and there was no sign of him. I went to go check in my room cause that's the only place he would be.

I slowly opened the door. Erick was in here. He was on my bed scribbling away. (Writing)

"Erick what are you doing?"

"Huh?" He looked up.

"What are you doing?"


"Writing what?" I said walking over to my bed.

Erick sighed and said, "A song"

"You write songs?"

"Yeah I've written some before. Sometimes I write them cause I have nothing to do... and sometimes I write them because I need to let out some feelings."

He handed me the book and I read what he had written.

"Dime tú, como hago para captar tú attentión

Sé muy bien, que en el pasado
Te han roto el corazón

Abrásame fuerte y no tengas miendo amor

Dejame explicarte..."

(If you guys know what song it is, comment 😉)

"Is this song about J-Jazmin?"

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Well this explains what has happened."

"Yeah... anyway what's the "juicy chisme" you wanted to tell me?"

"Right... so what's wrong, is that Jazmin is confused. Remember when I told you she had a boyfriend?..."


"It turns out his name is Marco. Kenia told me that Jazmin was in love with him... b-but h-he cheated on her..." my voice trailed off.

I couldn't hold in the tears. It's hurts me that Jazmin was hurt, and didn't tell me anything about it.

Erick came over and said, "hey...it's okay... I-I feel the same way about this."

"We have to do something to clean Jazmins mind!" I said.

We were sitting in silent when Erick said, "w-what if I keep writing the song, a-and I'll sing it to her."

"That's not a bad idea."

"But wait..." he said.


"It's takes me forever to finish ONE song." Erick said in pity.

"Then we should figure out what we can do in the mean time."

We started planning and planning to get Jazmin back how she was before...

Kenia's POV:

"Jazmin... I told Christopher about Marco..."

"What! Why?!!!"

"Because he needs to know. Your his sister and he cares a lot about you."

"Either way he was going to find out" Jenn said.

"I mean I guess..."

"Why did you reject Erick!!" Jenn asked.

"Hold on... he asked her out ?" I asked.

"No but he brought her roses. But some bitch rejected him."

"I'm sorryyy!" Jazmin said.

"I understand you're confused Jazmin but... you should have accepted those flowers." I told her.

"Imagine how he's feeling right now? His voice even cracked like if wanted to cry before he left." Jenn said.

"Stop making me feel bad now!" Jazmin said.

"It's true though, and you know it."

She stayed quiet. I checked my phone which seemed like forever since I last checked it, it read 9:34. (Idk random ass time)

"Jazmin I have to go, my mom wanted me to come back at ten."

"It's fine. Thanks for coming."

"Your welcome." I smiled and left...


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