Blast from the Past

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I looked at darkness, no matter how much I moved my eyes around the lids. I couldn't take it, I fell sleep. Reminiscing, I opened my eyes to my real parents looking at me, smiling, and laughing. I tried to say hello, but I couldn't spit out a word! All I did was talk gibberish and such. "He's so cute Joseph, I can't believe that he survived the cesecsion. My baby's going to be a strong Alfa, a big stro-", as she was cut off by the sound of a breaking window, my parents died with out a real fight. "Mary-Ann the baby! What is his name?", yelled my father with his last breath. "Christ!", mother said, calm and slow, very easy to here. After that, both necks were cut through and both body bagged. I cried for my parents, they died right before my eyes, and I did nothing to help. Growing up without them was hard, but at the age three I was admitted to a marital arts academy and graduated top of the nation at age five. I remember the championship, it was a big arena with big cups and ribbons every where. It wasn't my first time going but it was my first year going to fight. I never thought of making it this far. My first round, I bowed to a seven foot giant that weighed two hundred pounds. Nice for a normal five year old to fight right? So, the round began, I had first move and took it with a combination move 'Round house two punch', "contestant number thirty eight is down, number three will advance to the next round", the announcer said. Feeling confident, I wait for my next opponent. Out of no where I get hit with a brick and knocked out before I was able to meet my opponent.

Damnit, all I see is static now, with the loud tv static sound too. It went on for awhile until it faded to black and the sound faded with it too. I woke into another dream from were I'm in middle school and have been adopted by my loving mom and baby sister, Emily and Hallie. My childhood started to look up after getting adopted by Ms. Emily, she was sick with cancer when she got me but cured by the time I entered high school. But now, at my age, I'll be lucky to even see her again. Remembering how she tucked me in and picked me up from summer school, how she kissed my forehead and said I love you. Now, I see me, running to her after school crying, I see her moving back slowly and from one foot away to one mile I run slower and slower. I fight to wake up but something is restraining my arms and ankles in the real world, I'm stuck in the nightmare of my life! Thinking happy thoughts I think of Hallie's first words, "Christy up". I feel a smile, and then it happen. The nightmare change my happy light to a fiery dark pit! She went to a sweet toddler to a demon in skin, "hurry up and carry me to mother, I don't have the time for you peasant! Stop looking at me, who do you think you are I know your are not my blood I don't know why I should talk to you freak", the words echoed through my brain bouncing off the walls. I started to cry, "Hallie, I love you", I said lovingly and I stared into her eyes. She blinked, "I hate you, peasant".

I woke up in a cold sweat, struggling for air and balling out tears. I realized I was still at Courtney's house cocooned in a blanket in a guest room with Hallie in one too. I didn't question or even make a peep, I just went back to sleep without another thought in mind. 

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