Christ-in-anatomy, Christ's turn to speak

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"HALLIE NO", I scream. I saw heyes close as I ran to her shaking her enough to wake her. I caught her in time so that we didn't have to restart again, "Christy, I need sleep", Hallie yawned. "Is that? Daddy?", she questioned moving me to get down, she made to fantastic jump down three feet off the ground. "Yes that's dad, the man who made this real life game of life and death.", I said getting a heat canon. "Stand back Hallie", I held it aiming at his heart. Putting a green potion in the heat canon I had to grab Hallie away and launch it, which was no fun. er 

"I'm alive!!", the mad scientist said as he tripped and fell on the floor. Hallie giggled as I picked her up when she tried to run to him. But I didn't let her, I put her feet close to the ground and pull her make up. "Christ you meany, put me down", she wiggled and panic kicking. I let her go after she started wining, I hate it when she does that, she ran to her father. It was a beautiful sight, it's like a puppy running to its loving owner. "Hello, Mr..", he cut me off. "Call me Oxide, it's lively my little munchkin", Oxide said nuzzling his daughter in his arms. "I've been in the carbonite bath forever! To the point my brain was going to get numb", he started explaining how this has happened.

"Over a century, time has repeated itself about over thirty times ten years before Hallie's birth. Many times she has either died, got lost, or has disobeyed any of the rules you gave her before entering the building. The series of events gave us time to prepare a formula so no one would get brain damage in the town, so that purple chemical formula over there", he pointed to over on the other side of the room then looked at a working clock, "we need to put that in the water supply by noon tomorrow so do it tonight if you can. But back on topic, I have asked her mother to freeze me and pass request on to my little angel but, I see her mother didn't survive long enough to do it.", he paused and sighed then kissed Hallie's cheek and hugged her and gave her to me then continued, " Even if she was thirty and her mother died I don't think her mother could tell her. By any chance how did you know?", he questioned. I did but I didn't want to tell him how.

See, mom always said to watch what you say, and this is were the lesson begins. It starts back when she adopted me, I was a sweet kid. She always took care of me well and things, but Oxide never knew anything really about me. All he knew that she adopted me and that's it. He doesn't that I know how to make the green coloured potion, or that Hallie has the power of all knowledge and not her mother. He's been gone for so long, that he has to make it up to her for leaving her for so long. It's unbearable to even think of. Now, instead of Courtney having to studying at home she can go back to school and I can not worry!Walking back to Courtney's house

I see her driving out the drive way heading to town. Where could be going so late? Giving Oxide the key to let Hallie in I walk to the front of her car before she can pull off. "Move Christ I don't have time for your bull shit", Country yelled. "Go inside we have to talk", I said calmly showing no fear. "MOVE!", she edged the car to me faking like she would hit me, even if she was close to it. "Please, baby lets go inside", I told her. "Why should I? Why are you out here? Why aren't you inside?", Courtney spit out questions a mile a minute. I couldn't bare the questions anymore, so I moved and went inside. "Is she the misses old Christ", Oxide winked at me nudging my arm. "No, I tried but it wouldn't work out", I sighed.

About three days ago, me and Courtney were heated, she threw two knives and a plate at me. It got bad, I almost grew claws and sliced her throat. All over Hallie, she wants to throw my little sister on the street, but that will never happen. Being torn between my two special people makes it impossible to bare. I want her to accept Hallie, she's such a baby we have to take care of her. I hate it why can't they get along?

"It's okay I had to go through the same thing to get Hallie's mother. It gets rocky, trust, I didn't put myself in a carbonite bath. It takes time and healing to do this relationship things. And somethings you have to let go for the one", he glances at Hallie, " or ones that you love. Are we bonding on this?", Oxide looked me in my eyes determined for me to understand. "I get it...", I said, "Hallie??"

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