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"Hmmmmmm", after a good first day of school and birthday I'm home with my big brother. Finally we cuddle and have story time. I never had my dad around, so Christ is the only person I after got to hug and tell me feelings to when mommy wasn't there. Now, mommy will never be there and all I have is Christ it makes me sad. Christ always smiles under pressure. You can't even tell he's mad, but he says it. As you can see I'm not and ordinary child, my dad's a mad scientist that sadly died at work but my mommy lived. I was an experiment that wen wrong, I was suppose to be a potion that gave you inhumane powers and gain great power. My mom wanted it, so she drank it, but she didn't know she was going to have me at the time. So, instead of my mom getting them I did. Ha, never again will he be mad when I'm around to mind control people. Yeah I know, it's creepy, I wanted a small turtle to not cross the road because a car was coming and it did. Then, I practiced and saw it was pretty strong. I used it on a bird too, I made it not eat an innocent worm. I sadly it doesn't work for long, as the bird flew off i got a headache and stopped, it came back and ate it when the bird had it back in its sight. I tried, and failed. I know who to practice on the most, Courtney.

In the evening right before dinner, Courtney was making the table. I don't know why she was here I told Christ I didn't want to see her especially on my special day. I sat with a my party hat from school and rubbed my eyes. I was tired from all the practice of mind control. It was excited and rushed, I feel like swinging my feet. I love swinging my feet it brings the four year old out of me. "Soft puppy warm puppy little ball of fur, small puppy playful puppy grr grr grr", I giggle and sing softly to myself waiting for Christ to come from soccer practice. He teaches me soccer, I got the hang of kicking it without falling over or touching the ball. No telling how long I can keep that up, but I'll take it and run! "Shut up, I can't wait for your brother to get here gosh, I hate it when you talk", Courtney yelled out. Ugh, she's such a mean old hag. "Mean old hag", I murmured to myself. "What was that!", Courtney roared stomping towards me. As she got to me and my book booster seat, Christy came in. In a swift move, I jumped down and ran for my life. "CHRISTY!!!!! HELP! THE OLD HAG IS TRYING TO KILL ME!", I screamed my lungs out running to him. "Oh child, Hallie you need to learn manners and good ones at that", Christ said putting his soccer bag down. Jumping waiting for my hug I smile at him. His greenish blue eyes sparkle so pretty when I look at him. I reach my arms out and from behind Courtney comes and picks me up and kisses Christ. That tramp is really making me mad. I mind control a little sense it's not a noticeable thing unless it's a very heavy object, like a house. I make her put me down and go back to the kitchen where she belongs. Christ picks me up and spins me like I love to be spanned, like mommy use to do. I miss her, I can't help, she might of been a great wife and okay mommy but she did her best and made me happy. Being excited to have birthday dinner with my brother, the phone rings, it's for him, and he has to leave, but I get to go with him. It's suppose to be secret he says, I think we're going back to the magic forest.

Packing a bag full of crayons and paper, I get ready. I slip in my little first aid kit, just in case. After a successful packing, we headed out for an adventure. It's better walking then driving there. I love the pretty colors of the leaves and the sound they make as they get crunched under my foot. Holding Christ hand we walked farther pass the main streets and trolley rides, pass the small houses and the fancy ones, pass the wonderful trees and small animals, we went father along the battered path and on to the darker side of the forest. I held his hand tighter and tighter each step we took towards the forest. It got scarier and scarier that my knees turned to jelly. Christ picked me up and walked a little fast to a sight that's not for sore eyes, it's not for eyes period. "Hallie you need to stick by me at all times, and what ever you do, do not fall asleep. This is dad's old lab, nice huh? Well dad never liked working at home, but he worked 'from home'. But yup this is it, wanna see the inside", seeing Christ eyes screaming no I said yes. This is dad's old lab, nice huh? Well dad never liked working at home, but he worked 'from home'. But yup this is it, wanna see the inside", seeing Christ eyes screaming no I said yes. As he walked in the door he stopped and looked at me square in the eye, "this place is dangerous, no powers, no sleeping , no crying, this is an old lab it still has monsters and experiments dad made, you don't know how they will react. So no powers! I know you have them by now, you use to hover off the ground two inches when you were sleep. I thought that was cute and amazing, but now is not the time for cute and amazing so say a average human you over achiever.", Christ said and kissed my cheek. I nodded laying my head on his shoulder. When we walked in, the lab light turned on by the row. It was cool yet creepy, Christ picked me up and stepped one foot in and threw up. Poor wolf boy, your nose must hurt from all the nasty smells. I put two bandages over his nose, the first aid kit would come in handy. He walks more and more in and the lights flicker, I made me want to pee in my pants but I know Christ wouldn't like that. I wiggles myself onto the floor to explore, but I got baby leashed. Oh, you didn't know, yup, I'm troublesome and I get this treatment to know it's very dangerous.

Hating every second of the baby leashing we walked to a lab set, Christ read aloud. "Krypton, Lithium, Hydro- carbon, Mercury, and Sulfur. Wow, that sounds explosive". Sense I'm only three foot something I can't even see the chemicals, it's not fair. I can't stand being short! Moving on to the next lab Christ stumbled across a big blob of... plastic jelly? It grew larger and made eyes and a mouth. "You shall not pass", it bellowed, "For my name is Layeven, and I protect my home. You will have to defeat me to go through!". I got scared, Christ never beat up mutate flesh only animals or humans. Christ tied me to a lab table and took the bandages off his nose. "go Christ, GO!", I cheered clapping and tapping my feet as a sat on the cold concrete floor. I got to see my brother fight for the first time.

"Come on!", he said snarling and flicking his claws out. I pretended not to look but really wanted to see him fight. Hiding behind the thick cold leg of the lab table I watched closely how Christ fights. He started so terrible, He circled the jelly monster like prey, you know what it is just scratch it to see what will happen. He started a weird sensory thing that blocked my powers from happening, it hurt really bad, I started to cry. After a good ten minutes the jelly monster dropped to the floor as a liquid and started steaming into a gas and went away. "How'd you do that?", I questioned as Christ untied me. "Mom did experiments on me as a child, that's one thing, and it gave me a super strength and super speed and lots of stuff you will get later. I wish I had the same potion mom drank when you were a baby, she has perfected it over time at night when we were sleep. She told me and showed me how to make it and store it safely as I grew older It's okay, why are you shivering? Lets go, before something else gets us", he concluded. Looking up to the stair way to heaven, I asked to be picked up. We journeyed onto the next level.

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