Two Years Later.

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Two long years have past and we find ourselves with our hero Okaro training himself inside the ship's training room.

Okaro found himself laying down next to a river with his arms folded behind his head. The grass wasn't soft but was just right for what he wanted. He loved nothing more than to just lay with his eyes closed and allow his mind to settle into nothingness, for Okaro this was true relaxation. Relaxation wasn't something that Okaro had the rich pleasure of experiencing whenever he pleased.

Nowadays Okaro went from planet to planet in search of ways to make money that he needed to live off of. He'd find himself serving royal protection for a beautiful princess to working on a farm to help others make ends meet. If Okaro had a choice he would train his entire life and fight off threats to the galaxy or universe for that matter but doing that alone didn't keep this ship running.

When Okaro first took the huge ship he had planned on finding a new planet to call his home, but that was when Okaro realized that there wasn't a planet for him to call home. For as much as he tried, Okaro just couldn't let go of his past life.

"Okaro!" Okaro opened his eyes to find the imaginary Goten bent over staring into Okaro's eyes. After making some of his own advancements to the training room Okaro was able to connect his dream world to what he now sees in the room.

"What's up Goten?" Goten walked over and sat down next to the relaxing Okaro, crossing his arms. After getting no response from Goten Okaro sat up himself and ruffled Goten's hair.

"My father and I were sparring today and...," Goten placed his hands behind his back and blushed, "I just feel like I'll never be as strong as he is." Okaro laughed at the kid's worry, causing Goten to blush a deeper red.

Okaro smiled at Goten and crossed his arms, "Listen Goten, you have mastered the power of a super saiyan at an age when your father didn't even know the form existed. Off of that fact alone I'm sure that you have the potential to become stronger than not only your father, but any and everyone else there could be as well."

Goten shot straight to his feet and pumped his fists, "You really think so?" Okaro was never surprised by the instant change of attitude by Goten, this simply was part of the kid's personality.

"Oh I do." Okaro slowly made his way to his feet, already sore from today's training. "As a matter of fact," Okaro placed his hands on his hips and smiled at his friend, "you're already close to my base form when you're in super saiyan."

Goten could barely contain himself, bouncing up into the air as giddy as could be. "Wow really!" Goten landed and clinched his fists, transforming into a super saiyan. "Then let's test that!"

Okaro leaned back and chuckled at the feisty ways of his friend, "Not today Goten," Okaro extended his index and middle finger and poked Goten on the forehead, "I've already done all the training that this body can handle."

Goten instantly frowned and went back into his base form, "You're no fun!"

"Alright Okaro time for lunch." Lady Sareth's voice came over the intercom as the virtual world around Okaro disappeared, along with the virtual Goten.

Okaro looked over where the new viewing window was for Lady Sareth to overview his training, "I could have stayed in for another..."

"No Okaro, time to eat."

Okaro smirked, Lady Sareth may act and speak a little monotone from time to time but she knew that was the best way to deal with Okaro.

...Two Years Ago...

Okaro flew into the ship after killing King Plake and confronted Lady Sareth.

"Sareth!" Okaro grabbed a hold of her shoulders, "WHY! WHY DID YOU BETRAY US?!" Lady Sareth simply looked at Okaro with a blank stare, no emotion at all.

"Answer me!" Okaro shook Lady Sareth violently by her shoulders but there was still no form of a response. "Fine, if that's how you want to play." Okaro had calmed down but still decided that there was only one punishment for this traitor's actions. He raised back his hand and created a small ki blast. "I may not have much of any energy left, but this is more than enough for yo---" Lady Sareth reached out her gentle hand and placed it on Okaro's rough cheek.

"O... karo... he...lp... me..." The simple words left the robotic-like Lady Sareth so faintly but Okaro was still able to make them out. He quickly transformed down to his base form and slowly lowered the hand that had a ki blast before.


Lady Sareth had prepared chicken for dinner tonight. "Smells great." Okaro walked into the large dining room and took a seat at the small, 2 seat table.

Lady Sareth continued preparing the meal but looked at her friend, "You say that about everything!"

Okaro chuckled and leaned back in the comfortable chair, "That just means that I appreciate what I'm given." Lady Sareth didn't have a clever rebuttal to that, so she turned away from her friend and continued preparing the meal.


Lady Sareth placed Okaro's plate before him and did the same for herself before finally taking a seat, "So," She began cutting into the chicken that was before her, "Have you decided on where you'd like to go next?" Okaro gave her a look which made it clear that he hadn't even begun thinking about that.

"No, but I'm sure that I'll find out soon." She nodded to this and continued eating her food.

Alright guys that's chapter uno! I know that basically nothing happened in this chapter but I wanted you all to see a brief glimpse into what our hero has been doing and what he regularly does throughout the day. Please vote, comment, and share this story with others!

I'd like to give a shout out to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1

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