An Adventure.

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Last time on Dragonball X,
We join our hero Okaro two years after the dark events that took place on planet Contak. He now travels through space in search of ways to make it through his life along with Lady Sareth. What lies ahead for our hero? What else has he been up to?

Okaro entered the master bedroom and made his way to the closet, pulling out his night clothes. He picked up the night clothes he now wore from a planet he previously visited, and in his opinion the people of that planet made the best fabric.

After getting changed into his night clothed he sat on the bedside and rubbed the back of his neck with his whole hand. Okaro put so much pressure on his body from all the training on top of having to adjust to a different gravity at least once a month that he would feel miserable while aching all over.

"Are you dressed yet?" Lady Sareth asked from outside the room, although the two had gotten close there was still many barriers the other didn't cross, such as being present as the other changes clothes.

"Yep, come on in." Okaro laid back in the bed and stared up at the roof, thinking back to a certain someone and the time they spent together. Lady Sareth entered the room already dressed in her night gown and made her way into the bed, covering Okaro with the blanket she covered herself with.

"You didn't talk much at dinner." Lady Sareth said as she laid her head on Okaro's chest and wrapped an arm around him.


Okaro sat straight up in bed with a terrifying scream, sweat covering him from head to toe. "Si... tsi." The room was lit golden for Okaro had transformed during his outburst. Lady Sareth ran into the room and covered her eyes with her arm from the light radiating from Okaro.

"Okaro! It was another nightmare!" She made her way slowly over to Okaro and placed a hand on his shoulder. Contact between the two always did something to him whenever he got like this. He calmed down and transformed back into his base form, his face no longer tensed up.

"Thank you." Lady Sareth was surprised by that, she didn't really do anything other than comfort him. Maybe that by itself was worthy of a thanks. She just stayed there by his side in silence for a while, waiting for him to say something else.

"Would you," Okaro looked in Lady Sareth's direction but didn't make eye contact, "stay here?" Lady Sareth was surprised by this even more than the thank you, did Okaro think that her company would keep the nightmares away? She couldn't really say no, not after he spared her.

"Of course."


"In the training room, I talked with Goten."

"Oh, I know, I watched over you." There wasn't much to do on the ship so Lady Sareth usually watched over Okaro's training, that and sometimes Okaro would take his training a bit far.

"Are you sure that fusing your mind with what you see in that room is such a good idea?" Okaro thought on that, she could have a point. There could be a time where he'd see something that really hit him, which would be anything about his past.

The room fell silent for about five minutes, "Okaro?" Lady Sareth asked, getting a snore in response. She giggled and placed her head back on her chest, also falling asleep.


Okaro covered his eyes from the blinding sunlight he opened his eyes to. He found himself laying on a Earthy like ground surrounded by trees. This was usually the place he would find himself in while dreaming.

Alright, so that's chapter 2. I apologize for any of the blocky writing that's in this chapter, kind of went through a lot in this one. Ending the chapter in a dream? Why is the chapter called An Adventure? I guess we'll find out next time.

I want to give a shout out to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1. Those three are great! Until next time!

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