An Adventure Pt. 2.

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After getting up and looking about Okaro stumbled upon a small lake and decided to catch himself a fish. The fish was a large one, just like back on Contak which is where he thought he was. He set up a small fire with some twigs he picked up next to the large forest and placed the fish next to it with a thin stick inserted into it.

"Okaro!" Okaro turned from the cooking fish to see Goten flying his way.

"Well well," Okaro smirked, "If it isn't the friendly neighborhood superkid!" Goten landed a little ways from Okaro and gave Okaro a frown.

"I told you I don't like that nickname!" Goten crossed his arms.

Okaro chuckled and sat by the fire, "Just remember that nicknames given by comrades are always the best ones." Goten grunted but made his way to sit next to his comrade.

"That's a big fish you caught." Goten said while pointing at the catch.

Okaro nodded, "Indeed, Would you like share it?" Okaro glanced down at Goten to see him nodding his head, that made Okaro chuckle. Goten's attitude would change so suddenly.


"Say, Okaro, would you like to come back home with me?" Goten and Okaro had just finished sharing the fish from earlier. Although Okaro and Goten spent a lot of time together Okaro had never actually been to that home.



"There it is." Goten sat on a boulder facing the property. Okaro was surprised by the serenity of the place, especially when it housed such a great warrior.

"You like it here?" Okaro sat next to the Boulder and leaned his back against it. Looking at the home and the land around it reminded Okaro of the village on Contak, which also made him remember a certain someone.

"Yep, especially now that dad's home." Okaro couldn't understand how Goten felt, he wasn't really close to anyone anymore.

"How is Goku?" Okaro didn't really know why, but whenever he heard of Goku he had this odd feeling that he never did before. Then something unexpected happened.

The home before them exploded, shock waves going throughout the ground. "Mom! Dad!" Goten shot up to his feet and began flying towards the scene before Okaro flew up to him and caught him by wrapping his arms around him. Goten did his best to escape Okaro's grasp but Okaro was to much for him and stopped.

"Now," Okaro dropped Goten to the ground, "stay here while I go check that out." Goten bounced to his feet and gritted his teeth at Okaro.

"They're my parents!" Goten's hair shot up and turned gold as he instantly transformed before Okaro.

"Okay, just don't overdue it." Okaro himself transformed, changing his glance to the destroyed home. Seeing that, reminded Okaro of that night, something that he didn't ever want to remember. Goten's reaction was the same as his, the anger overflowing from within.

Then two figures flew out of the smoke and up into the air. "You!" Goten flew at the pair recklessly, forcing Okaro to follow him after the pair. Okaro grabbed Goten by the back of his shirt.

"Goten you can't just fly into battle like this!" Goten pushed Okaro way from him, anger written all over his face.

"Leave me alone!" Goten sent a ki blast at one of the figures who slapped it away. Sending the smoke around the figures to dissipate. Frieza and Cooler.

"These two." Okaro smirked, sure that his power was far more superior than theirs. In his memory Goku was able to handle these two before he could even control the level of super saiyan.

"Oh would you look brother, more saiyan scum." Frieza snickered at his brother's comment.

Okaro dashed at Frieza, assuming that he was weaker than Cooler, and swung a right fist into his stomach. Only, the fist didn't seem to do anything to Frieza, as he simply smirked at the shocked Okaro.

"Surprised?" Frieza grasped Okaro's right wrist and raised him to eye level, "I would be too." In a flash Frieza let go of Okaro and whipped around smacking Okaro with his tail, sending him spiraling into the Earth below them.

"How dare you!" Goten powered up and rushed at the two, only to be blasted out of the sky by Cooler's eye beams. Goten also fell to the Earth, not to far from Okaro.

First off, I am SOOOOOOO sorry for my absence guys, I've been busy doing other things that I haven't had time to focus. Now I promise to return better than ever before! Oh, and what's with this adventure? It's straight up filler to be honest lol.

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