The Planet.

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"You might want to see this." Lady Sareth said, pointing to the large monitor on the flight deck. Okaro quickly stopped typing a report from their last stop and walked over to where Lady Sareth was standing. Usually Lady Sareth managed wherever they traveled in space while Okaro did all the dirty work, so something was different about this planet.

"What am I supposed to be seeing? looks like a normal planet to me." The planet was about a quarter size bigger than Earth, seemed to have a similar amount of water covering the surface, although the color was different all over.

"It may look like an ordinary planet and it would be, if it wasn't for the name." This information made Okaro curious.


"The name of this planet is Okara." Okaro took a step back, taking his time to again look over the planet. This was where the technology used to create him was made. He personally never planned on visiting this place, but since he was right on top of it....

"Make plans for a landing." Okaro said after regaining his composure.

"Are you sure?" Lady Sareth sounded stunned from Okaro's demand. Okaro wasn't really surprised either, what if the people of this planet didn't want a stray creation?

"Absolutely, whoever is on this planet could hold information that could prove useful." Okaro looked at Lady Sareth who was giving him a look.

"...Fine. But one act from the life on this planet that proves to be violent and we leave."



Lady Sareth sat at the control panel of the ship to manually land on Okara, still nervous about what would happen after they landed.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing Okaro." She wanted to have full faith in him, but she had done that before and that obviously didn't work out.


"You've gone mad!" Lady Sareth exclaimed, King Plake had her strapped into some kind of chamber.

"I can't allow my plans to be ruined. Everything must go exactly right." King Plake pushed a few buttons on a panel next to the chamber that she was in.

"You've lost it! Letting you're whole reason for life being consumed over this clone!"

"Shut your mouth!" King Plake punched Lady Sareth in the gut, causing her to gasp for air in pain from the blow. The punch hurt so much that she lost consciousness.

Flashback #2...

King Plake entered his study, where he met the Lady Sareth. Lady Sareth believed that she was the one person that still followed him after he was forced from his home planet. He had used a chamber in the ship to make her follow him. He adored still having her for when he was king she was the fairest lady in all of his kingdom. Now she was the only lady that he had in his grasp.

"I've been watching, and I must say that I'm impressed with this one." Lady Sareth said. King Plake took a seat next to her.

"Yes, he definitely is stronger and smarter then all the other clones." Lady Sareth seemed to not have faith that Okaro was strong enough for what he was born to do. King Plake wondered if she was starting to fight back from what he had done to her.

"Although he does seem to be on a whole level higher then the previous clone he doesn't show the power necessary to take back what is ours." The King never did appreciate Lady Sareth believing she had any rights to the Kingdom, but as long as she still believed that she was willingly following him he would deal with it.

"I assure you that in due time he will show the power that I know he holds." Sareth turned on the monitor to view the sleeping specimen.

"Sounds more or so that you don't know but that you just hold the faith." She was holding her forehead with her right hand, she hadn't lost her judgment.

"Perhaps, but I have to see if he'll be what I have been waiting for, I need him to be the one." Lady Sareth could tell that the King was stressed, he didn't want to have to go through the process of making another clone.

"Strong enough, I'm sure he is. The only thing I fear is the goodness that seems to be in his heart." Lady Sareth made an excellent point, Okaro seemed to be a kind hearted individual.

"I just have to hope that he will change before he is needed." King Plake thought of how he lost everything, how an uprising of the unworthy sent him into space to rot for the remaining of his days. If he didn't have Lady Sareth, regardless of how he had her, he didn't know what he would do.

"And I'm sure that he will, after all you are the great King Plake." King Plake did like to hear himself being addressed as a king still, even though he didn't have a land to rule any longer and only one person that was forced to followed him.

Flashback 3...

Okaro flew into the ship after killing King Plake and confronted Lady Sareth.

"Sareth!" Okaro grabbed a hold of her shoulders, "WHY! WHY DID YOU BETRAY US?!" Lady Sareth simply looked at Okaro with a blank stare, no emotion at all.

"Answer me!" Okaro shook Lady Sareth violently by her shoulders but there was still no form of a response. "Fine, if that's how you want to play." Okaro had calmed down but still decided that there was only one punishment for this traitor's actions. He raised back his hand and created a small ki blast. "I may not have much of any energy left, but this is more than enough for yo---" Lady Sareth reached out her gentle hand and placed it on Okaro's rough cheek.

"O... karo... he...lp... me..." The simple words left the robotic-like Lady Sareth so faintly but Okaro was still able to make them out. He quickly transformed down to his base form and slowly lowered the hand that had a ki blast before.


Okaro placed Lady Sareth down gently into the chamber that had mad her this way and reversed the effect by pushing some buttons on a panel. The chamber opened up and Lady Sareth sat straight up, looking around the room before resting her gaze on Okaro.


"Alright," Okaro and Lady Sareth stood in the docking bay, "You stay here, I'll be back if it's safe."

Oh my... I am so sorry everyone... I pulled a dumb yesterday.... Apparently I tried publishing this yesterday and something went wrong. Anyways lol, what is in store for our friend Okaro? Find out in the next few chapters of Dragonball X!

Shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1.mention a user

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