An Adventure - End.

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Okaro laid on the ground, surprised that such a simple attack would do as much damage as it did. He couldn't move a single part of his body, bot even a finger. Goten was in a similar state, his clothes covering his chest had been torn to shreds where Cooler had blasted him.

Okaro glanced up at the two figures in the sky, who were paying no attention to him or Goten. This would be the best time to make an escape, but he still couldn't will his body to move. He couldn't fathom that those two had became so strong, sure he was in a dream but this still bothered him. Nothing like this had ever happened before.

That's when a shining blue light burst out of the ruins of Goku's house, and from that light came Goku. Okaro barely recognized Goku due to the blue hair, apparently there was a form that even Okaro hadn't seen.

"Frieza!" Exclaimed Goku, and in a flash he was face to face with Frieza. The speed in that form was unbelievable, Okaro couldn't even follow Goku with his eyes.

"Oh look brother, he dyed his hair." Frieza chuckled, not being able to sense the unbelievable power Goku now possessed.

"You always were too confident." Goku smirked, and in a flash Goku launched a large Kamehameha at the evil two sending them to oblivion, not even dust was left behind.

Goku transformed back to his base form as he fastly flew down to Goten's side. He picked up the hurt Goten and held him like a baby. "You," Goku glanced over at Okaro, "Thank you." Okaro was finally able to move and slowly made his way to his feet, as painful as it was to do so.

"Don't mention it." Okaro didn't really understand why Goku had thanked him, Goten could've easily died earlier.

"Here." Goku reached into his belt and threw a senzu bean to Okaro, who studied the bean for a second before realizing what it was and ate it in one quick swallow. Okaro was amazed by how quickly the bean healed and rejuvenated him.

Goku chuckled, "I guess you've never used a senzu before?" Okaro looked at Goku who dropped a senzu bean into Goten's mouth. Goten shot out of Goku's arms straight to his feet full of life.


Goku and Okaro sat under the shade of a tree while Goten was playing in a river not to far away. "Goku." Okaro said, who was looking at his original.

"What's up Okaro?" Goku could tell something was bothering Okaro, he was usually much more full of life.

"That blue super saiyan form of yours, I've never seen anything like it." Goku nodded to this, understanding the confusion of Okaro.

"That form is called Super Saiyan Blue, or at least that's the name that we decided on." Goku chuckled slightly, remembering when the form was given the name.


Okaro woke up to the sound of Lady Sareth leaving the room, it was time to find the next planet to visit.

Thats the end of the dream arc. Short one I know but I thought it was a cool way to introduce Ssjb.

Quick shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1

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