The Okaran Form.

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The elevator moved to the left, moving towards a whole different location and slower than before. The dim lit sky shown onto the landscape.

"Okaro." Sal continued looking forward as he spoke.

Okaro turned his head to view Sal, "What's up?" Okaro could hear that something was up, Sal sounded a little less monotone and a little more stressed than before.

"Your stunt back there, intolerable." Okaro was surprised by this statement, curious of what he meant. No one really stood up to him after he displayed his power.

"You must understand, even with all of your power they still possess more strength than the likes of you could ever imagine." Okaro imagined that Sal was speaking from experience. After all how could someone know such a thing without experiencing it.

"Sal," Okaro calmed himself and gave a look of compassion, "If there's any sort of corruption going on I could help." There was a pause for a moment, before Sal glanced over at Okaro and smirked.

"Trust me when I say, you aren't the strongest being on this planet." Once again Okaro was shocked, this had to of been a bluff. "Now," the elevator stopped before a door, "Let's go talk to these doctors."


Sal walked Okaro past many different buildings, people who looked similar to Sal, and something that would resemble a park on Earth. The odd thing about the park was that there were only full grown people.

"Sal, I haven't seen any children." Okaro heard a sigh from Sal and became annoyed with the man once again.

"The children here are in school." Sal spoke in a tone that suggested that Okaro should've easily known that, annoying Okaro even more.

"You know, I'd love to spar with you and put you in your place." Maybe Okaro shouldn't have said this to someone that he needed, but he couldn't help himself. Sal got under Okaro's skin and he did so easily.

Sal stopped walking and turned to face Okaro who stopped walking directly after Sal did.

"What?" Okaro asked, getting himself prepared for an attack.

"We're here." Sal turned his head to the building to Okaro's left, letting Okaro calm down. "I won't be joining you." Sal walked past Okaro.

"Hey!" Okaro turned after Sal, "What abou-"

"They're expecting you." Sal yelled back, raising an arm to wave goodbye.

Okaro straitened up and felt confused, "This place... is different."


Lady Sareth laid her back against a tree next to a river, she was in the training room. She went into the room to try and get her mind off of everything that was going on. It had only been a few hours and she was already longing for the return of Okaro. She couldn't believe it, but she was falling for the guy.

"The last time I did this..." Lady Sareth stood and walked over to the river, "I was betrayed... but Okaro wouldn't do that."

"Okaro wouldn't do what?" Lady Sareth froze in her spot, she had been in this room before but this was the first time someone appeared while she was in here and she also knew exactly who the voice belonged to.

"S-Si-Sitsi?" Lady Sareth was in complete shock, she knew that the training room would connect with who's mind was in there but she didn't expect something like this.

"Are you alright?" Sitsi seemed to be oblivious to the fact that she wasn't real, as if she was alive and well.

"I'm... fine." Lady Sareth took a deep breath and did her best to compose herself, she just couldn't believe this.

"I think you need to sit down." Sitsi giggled and sat below a tree's shade, patting next to her for Lady Sareth to sit. Lady Sareth was positive that Sitsi, or at least this Sitsi, had no recollection of how she died.

"Sounds like a great idea." Lady Sareth exhaled and walked slowly over to Sitsi, taking a seat next to the woman that she betrayed.

"So what is that Okaro wouldn't do?" asked Sitsi, blushing from which Lady Sareth would assume was her feelings for Okaro.

"Oh, um...," Lady Sareth did her best to think of a quick lie, "He's on a mission right now and I'm just not sure on whether or not he'll pull through." At least a part of what she said wasn't a lie.

"Well, you know Okaro," Sitsi closed her eyes, likely daydreaming about the man himself, "it would take something unbelievable to take him down." Lady Sareth had forgotten about just how much Sitsi had cared for Okaro, it was obvious in every word she spoke.


"You want to know more about yourself eh?" Asked the Okaran scientist. Okaro, after taking a few minutes to take in his surroundings, entered the building similarly to how he entered the fortress. After he entered a guide was there to take to him to where he is now, seated in a room full of scientific research and technology scattered across long tables. He himself was seated at a broad table and across from him was a scientist of Okara.

"You could say that." Okaro didn't want to say too much out of fear that these people might not be as peaceful as he had hoped.

"Well I guess it'd be better if I answered what you wanted to know first off." The scientist had clearly given Okaro the floor to ask questions, but Okaro looked at it as an attempt for the scientist to learn what Okaro was thinking.

"Why did King Plake have technology of this place?" The scientist reached into his lab coat and pulled out a device that looked similar to a small tablet, clicking a few buttons on it while nodding his head.

"Says here that we simply sold it to him." Okaro had a problem believing that, but the scientist did seem to be telling what he believed to be the truth.

"Am I limited to whatever the original me is limited to?" The scientist reached up to his chin and scratched it with two fingers, clearly thinking on how to answer the question.


"Possibly?" Thought Okaro, "What do you mean possibly?" An uncontrollable burst of anger showed in Okaro's question, startling the scientist.

"Well, you'd have to unlock the powers of the Okaran Form." Okaro leaned his head to the side.

"Okaran... Form?"

"Yes, the Okaran Form is still a mystery to us here on Okara so I can't tell you much but," the scientist leaned in a little, "the Form can only be obtained by reaching the maximum potential of the original you."

Okaro leaned back into his seat, disappointed to hear that. In that dream of his Goku was on a whole other level then himself. "That's all the questions I have... for now."

"Don't be discouraged, I can tell you've overcome a lot to be here today. I'm sure you can reach your potential." Okaro stood from his chair and made his way to the door of the room.

"Thank you."

"You should check back with the Council, they may have some work for you if you're up for it."

"Work?" Okaro thought things over for a moment, "I'll check it out."

It's Aliiiiiiiiive! That's right I'm back everyone! I'm sorry for the delay I simply lost the want to write for a short while but now I'm back and I've ascended! Lol anyway how about that cliffhanger? Hope you liked it everyone and anyone wondering if we might get more if that Sitsi?

Shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1. These guys have been here for me every step of the way and I couldn't be here without them.

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