The Fortress.

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Okaro made his way out of a forest, he had been surprised by the thickness of the forest. When he first got off the ship he had seen the forest but figured that what he had seen was basically a line of trees, he had been wrong. The forest was at least several thousand feet thick, but Okaro figured he shouldn't fly over in order to keep a low profile. What he found on the other end of the forest was a bit of a surprise, more or so a large surprise.

He was 100 feet from what looked like a huge, white fortress. The fortress like structure was simple overall, the only thing standing out that he could see was a large glass door that he couldn't see through. There was also a small panel that was eye level next to the Door. Figuring that he was stronger than anyone that was inside the fortress he decided to walk up to the panel.

"Match your eyes with the scanner." Okaro was happy that they spoke the same language, on most planets he had to wear a device that allowed him to understand and speak the native tongue.

Okaro slowly stepped before the device which shot out to beams of light that matched his eyes. "No match found, wait for assistance." Okaro walked over to where he would be standing directly in front of the door, making sure to prepare himself for an attack for any kind.

Then all of a sudden the glass door slid straight up to reveal a man, at least Okaro presumed, to be about a foot shorter than himself. The man wore a white suit with a white trench coat over top of the suit. His skin was a dark blue and had black hair that had been combed straight back. If Okaro had to guess he'd say that this man was a native of the planet.

"State your purpose." Okaro was taken back by the mixture of seriousness and hateful attitude the man spoke with.

"I... I'm a clone made from Okaran technology, and I want to..."

"You want to know more about what you can do and whatever else that you may not already know?" The man finished Okaro's sentence and really didn't seem to care either way. "Well, before I just let you enter...." The man reached into his trench coat and pulled out a device that resembled a scouter, only larger and with a gun-like handle. Before Okaro could interject the man lifted the device to Okaro and pressed a button, causing the device to light up and make unfamiliar noises.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Okaro was nervous, he didn't want to be walking into a trap. He also didn't know if he should count on the words of this stranger or not.

"This device will tell me what I need to know, that's all the concern you need to have." After another minute of the awkward situation the man put away his device and turned facing a hallway that must've led into the fortress. "Come now."

"Wait," Okaro still had his doubts, "What's... your name."

"My name isn't of any importance to you, but it's Sal." Sal began walking down the hall, raising his hand and flicking it forward to motion for Okaro to follow. Although Okaro still didn't fully trust the situation he believed himself to be too powerful for anyone here to handle and walked fast to catch up with Sal. The hall the two were walking through was lit only well enough to keep someone headed in the right direction and that alone.

"My name's Okaro, in case you'd like to know." This drew a chuckle from Sal as the two continued walking.

"I don't make room for petty conversation but I must admit that is interesting." Okaro took that as a means to end their conversation and decided to go back the dream from the previous night. Could that dream of been a warning? Could these people clone someone like Freeza and increase his power ten fold? Okaro knew better than to rush to a conclusion bit definitely wouldn't let the thought escape his mind.

After another five minutes of walking down the same hall Okaro and Sal finally stopped before what appeared to be metal doors to an elevator. Sal reached out his hand and held it before Okaro, "Don't say or do anything unless asked or demanded to do so.". Okaro couldn't stand how this Sal guy couldn't speak kindly about anything, not even his name.

"Understood." Sal pushed a fee buttons on the wall that opened the doors to the elevator. Sal went in first and motioned for Okaro to do the same. When Okaro stepped into the elevator he was surprised to see the shaft made completely or glass, allowing him to look over vast amounts of vegetation down below. "Where's all the people?"

Sal now pushed a few buttons on the inside of the elevator which sent the shaft in a northern curve towards a large building not connected to the fortress. The building looked like an average skyscraper on Earth but Okaro was sure there was likely more to it do to what he had already seen.

"Most of the population of my people live further beyond the building we're now approaching." Okaro nodded, hoping that the other people of this planet were far nicer than Sal.

Hey Guys! I'm back and with a brand new chapter! Wait, wasn't that obvious? Yeah it pretty much was lol. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! There are plenty more to come in the near future! There will be two OCs in this saga and they will be appearing within the next 10 chapters along with a big surprise! No literally the surprise is huge lol.

I'd like to give shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1.

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