Home At Last.

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Last time on Dragonball X Okaro made the decision to help Tarble's rebellion in the fight against Okara. What awaits Okaro as he returns to Okara? Find out in this chapter of Dragonball X!

"There weren't any casualties?" asked Sal Sr., as both he and Okaro stepped off the elevator and headed towards the exit of the city.

"Not one." Okaro said, when Okaro returned Sal Sr. decided to personally escort him out of the city so they could talk over the mission.

"That's odd, usually space pirates are more of a problem then that." Sal Sr. said, keeping his gaze down the path the two walked.

"Maybe so, but I don't think these space pirates have ever had to deal with the likes of me."Okaro felt uncomfortable having to come up with all of this on the fly, but he had no choice. 

Sal Sr. laughed to himself, "I'd have to agree. Okaro, I've come across more saiyans in my time then I like to admit but there's no doubting that you are the strongest one yet."

"I'd have to agree." The two laughed together, which gave Okaro a sense of uneasiness. However he also knew that moments like this would be just the thing that would deceive those of the Okaran Council. 

"It seems that we've reached our destination." Sal Sr. said, stopping before the entrance to the city to enter a few codes so that Okaro could make his departure. 

"So it seems." Okaro thought of where Sareth might be on the ship, that was his destination. The two glass doors slid apart revealing the wilderness that Okaro had once traveled through to find something he never thought he would. 

Sal Sr. motioned Okaro through the exit and stood in front of it to face him directly. "We'll be in touch when we need your services again."

"That'll hopefully be sooner than later." Okaro smiled at the man and placed two fingers on his forehead for the instant transmission.

"I assure you that it will." With that Okaro stood in the ship's docking bay, the last place he had been before departing for Batmos. 


Okaro walked into the living quarters, where he would usually find Sareth watching some sort of TV Show that always revolved around either romance or mystery. However he didn't find her there. "Odd."


Now he walked into the kitchen, partly because he was starving but she also spent a good amount of time there preparing the next meal. That's when he realized that she had no knowledge of hid return and there wouldn't be a reason for Sareth to be there. "Where would she be... the lab maybe."


Okaro scratched the back of his head, confused with not finding Sareth in the lab and not sure where she would be. "She wouldn't have left, maybe she's just resting." He thought. When he walked out of the lab out the exit that led to the sleeping chambers and noticed that the training room was activated, a large forest was simulated. "Didn't know she was a fan of the wild." Okaro crossed his hands and peered through the two-way glass. He spotted Sareth sitting close to a river.

"She likes that too huh." Okaro smirked and reached for the panel that would allow him to speak with her, then that's when he noticed there was a virtual person sitting not to far from Sareth.


"You know, he sent me a message two days ago saying that he had landed on Batmos. I wonder how things are going." Sareth said, pulling individual pieces of grass out of the ground then flicking it away.

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