The Real Beginning.

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"I must once again tell you how thrilled we all are to know that you'll be working for us." Sal Sr. said, he had decided to personally deliver Okaro to the location where work was apparently given.

"Like I said before, the situation came to me at the opportune time." Okaro said, he didn't want to show indication that he wasn't alone. If the Council knew about Lady Sareth they could possibly use her as black mail on Okaro.

"Well of course, everyone who comes to us always finds opportunity." Okaro didn't believe that, he was sure that if he wasn't as powerful as he was that the council would of simply just sent him on his way.

Sal Sr. had taken Okaro to location that would resemble a hanger bay. Across this place were different size ships that were well armored and there were others that seemed to be used for less difficult trips. "Quiet the operation you have here." Okaro said, hoping,to gain some more information on the tasks that would be asked of him.

"You like it?" Okaro easily picked up that the question wasn't meant to be answered. "We've been delivering goods and protecting our clients for well on 200 years." Okaro couldn't believe that, these people must've been ahead in advancements for as long as they've existed.

"Ah, here we are." Sal Sr. approached a door that led to a larger spaceship that had to of been out of commission for a long, long time. Sal Sr. opened the door and motioned Okaro to enter first. After Okaro stepped inside he was surprised with what he saw. There was too many carts to count at least the size of a larger vehicle that contained weapons of all sorts. There was also a handful of people at what resembled check in stations probably reporting for the days work.

"Someone with the talents you possess won't need any of the weapons we make." Sal Sr. sounded as if he had given this talk many times before, albeit Okaro doubted that Sal Sr. had came across anyone on the level of Okaro.

"Thanks for the compliment." Okaro knew that he had just sounded as cocky as ever but he didn't mind it, he knew he could back it up.

"You're welcome, now, let's introduce you to your partner." Sal Sr. began walking to the check in stations.

"Partner?" wondered Okaro, he hadn't been told that he'd be getting a partner.

Okaro quickened pace to walk next to the shorter Sal Sr.. "I don't think I'll be needing that partner, I can handle myself." Although Lady Sareth had joined Okaro on his adventures through the past he had done all the handiwork on his own.

"As I'm sure you can, you and I both know that you have very little experience in delivering Okaran goods. Plus, company is never a bad thing."

"Unless you would rather keep a low profile." Okaro had to give these people props, they were even smarter then he thought they could be.

"Here we are." Sal Sr. stopped before a desk which had something resembling a computer on it. Next to the desk stood a young man that looked no older than 18. Okaro noticed the man wore glasses and that he seemed to be wearing a militaristic suit. He wore a blue long sleeve vest that had a collar that snapped together at the front. On the left side of hid chest there was a decent size "M" that was the color orange. He wore black gloves that matched the color of his pants along with the black, slick shoes on his feet.

"He's a first." Okaro thought, barely intimidated by the power he felt from the young man.

"Okaro I'd like you to meet your partner S-"

The young man reached out his left arm before Sal Sr. to quiet him and stepped out from behind the check in station. "Sam Engle." Okaro couldn't help but smirk, this kid could get the old man to be quiet by a simple move.

Sam changed his glance from Okaro to Sal Sr., "Is he mute?" Okaro's smirk quickly faded.

"No. I'm not. I'm Okaro." This drew a good laugh from Sam.

"Wait, you're named after the planet?" Sam still seemed to be directing his attention to Sal Sr., giving Okaro little of any.

"Well to be honest I didn't know about the planet's name when I was... created."

Sam quickly shot his gaze back at Okaro, who was happy to see himself finally draw interest from the kid. "So you weren't created here?" Sam almost seemed too interested in this, making Okaro feel that Sam may have come from a similar origin. That would be a relief.

"Now now, before you two get too familiar with the other let's get you signed in and ready to go!" Sal Sr. couldn't hold back his excitement, making Okaro uneasy.

I apologize for not publishing this sooner everyone, I just haven't found myself motivated to write. Sam Engle is upon us everyone! I hope you'll all enjoy this chapter as there are many more to come. The next chapter will be mainly getting to know Sam and setting up the friendship between Okaro and himself.

Shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1.

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