Meeting The King.

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Okaro and Sam walked into the city of Batmos. Okaro was surprised to see how similar the city was to one on Earth. The streets, the sidewalks, the buildings, everything was like it was on Earth. According to Okaro's memory that is.

"Why that look?" Sam asked, looking at Okaro with a plain face.

"Huh," Okaro looked back at Sam, "Oh, it's just," Okaro looked back at the city, "This city looks like one I'd find on Earth."

Sam chuckled, "You'd be surprised by how many city structures are similar from planet to planet."

"You talk like you have a lot of experience with all of this?" This had actually bothered Okaro for a while, ever since he first met Sam. The man walked and talked as if he had seen a thousand battles and had ventured to well over a hundred different planets.

"I do. I've been at this longer than Sal Sr. has been alive." Sam said, which caused Okaro to give him an odd look. Okaro knew that those of Sam's kind lived for five-hundred years but this took him by surprise.

"Wait," This thought had just entered Okaro's mind, "If that's true, how long have the space pirates been at this?"

Sam looked around quickly before stepping closer to Okaro, "Let's talk about that in the security of the ship after we're done here?"

Okaro was surprised to hear Sam say what he did in the form of a question after the way he had previously been acting, this must've been serious. "Sounds good."

"Great. Let's get a move on." Sam said, beginning the walk to the palace where they'd meet the king of this place. Okaro wasn't too far behind.


After an hour on the road Okaro's stomach began acting up so the two stopped at a nearby restaurant to get some food. Sam was truly astonished by how much food Okaro could put away, especially when Okaro didn't even know what he was eating.

"I thought I had an appetite." Sam said, watching Okaro devour something that resembled a squids leg.

Okaro swallowed whatever he was chewing on and looked at Sam, "What? This is only like my fifth serving." Not even a second later Okaro was stuffing his face with more of the squid-like food.


"Alright," The two had finished eating and we're back on the road to the palace. "Shouldn't be too much further now." Sam said, putting his tablet away into his coat.

"Sam," Sam looked over at Okaro who was surprisingly serious, "Anything about this place that I should know?"

Sam looked down at the ground in front of him contemplating rather or not he should tell Okaro the truth. "I've been here many times Okaro."

"Really?" Okaro asked, turning to face Sam to give him his full attention.

"Yes, once back before Sal Sr. was born actually." Sam said, looking up to meet his partners gaze.

"Is this just a hotspot for space pirates or does this place rely on Okaran technology a little too much?" Okaro asked, looking around to observe anything that looked remotely Okaran. Sure enough he could spot something everywhere he looked.

"I'd say a little of both." Sam said, beginning the walk for the palace hoping that the conversation would end. There was still some things that Okaro wasn't ready for just yet.


Okaro leaned over by to Sam, shielding his face with his hand. "That was kinda easy?"

Sam chuckled slightly and looked over at Okaro. "What do you mean?" Sam and Okaro had reached the palace, where on arrival two guards simply approached the duo and brought them to a room that looked like a throne room. The large chair with a draping over it definitely stood out.

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