The Council.

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The doors of the elevator opened slowly to reveal a wide desk stretching from one side of the room to the other. At the desk sat a group of people that were of the same race as Sal, all of them appearing to be older than Sal. The room was a simple square room, white just like the walls of the fortress, and lit well.

An older man placed at the middle of the desk lifted his head to view Okaro and Sal, "Sal? What's the meaning of this?" The old man appeared to be annoyed by the sudden appearance.

"The man here with me is a clone of our technology, but, he was made away from here." The old man nodded slowly and changed his gaze to Okaro alone.

"Step forward." Okaro didn't like being addressed like that, reminded him of how King Plake treated him.

"Okay," Okaro walked his way before the desk, "but let me tell you something." Okaro powered up to super saiyan, allowing his ki to flow freely throughout the room. The people at the desk were terrified, that being said by the look of horror on their faces. "You will respect me! I am no different from anyone else!"

The old man in the middle shook his hands feverishly, "Okay okay, I'm, no, we're sorry." Okaro smirked at the group in front of him and returned to his normal state, allowing the people before him to calm down. These actions by this group showed that they were all talk, but no action.

"Alright, so what brings you here... what's your name again?" The words came from the old man full of fear.

"The name's Okaro, and as far as what brought me here? I just want to know all there is to being an Okaran clone." The old man nodded to learning of this information.

"Clever name." Said the old man, drawing a chuckle from the rest of the group, a good chuckle though. "Now as far as the request, all you would have to do is talk to one of our scientists."

"Now, you're likely wondering who we are." The old man spread his arms, displaying the other Okaran people at the desk. "We are the Council of Okara, we make all the decisions. And we would definitely like you to come back and speak with us after you speak with the scientists."

Okaro nodded at first but then blushed after a realization. "Um, I'm not sure of how to get there."

The old man chuckled rather uncontrollably now, "I wouldn't expect you to, that's why Sal will show you around." Okaro heard an immediate grunt from Sal, and Okaro felt the same way. "Is there a problem?" Okaro was shocked that the old man picked up on that.

"Nope, everything's great! Thank you!" And with that Sal and Okaro walked back onto the elevator.

This wasn't the longest chapter I know, but the next one will be an extremely long chapter. We are preparing for the thick of this chapter, well kind of. I now have a question for everyone, what would be a fun little filler arc for this saga? If someone can come up with interesting enough of an idea I'll use it and give you credit as well.

I'd like to give shoutouts to AbdulKhaliq7, JaffaMaster786, and TheSpokenTruth1.mention a user

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