Chapter 7

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Helen's ghost looked at me hard. Her blue veins showed on her pale face. On her neck was the grotesque hole from where her mother shot her. Her shirt was bloody and so were her pants.

I headed for the door but it closed. The curtains closed making it a tad dark in the room.

I looked up at the ceiling as if to talk to Jakayla. "Stop it right now!"

Helen appeared in front of me. I swear I almost peed my pants. Her mouth opened. An ear piercing scream that didn't belong to Helen came from inside of her. She closed her mouth and smiled.

"That's my mother screaming from hell," Her voice was dry and rusty. Almost if she had feelings, it would hurt to talk. She sounded like a dying old man!

I ran for the bed and hid underneath the blanket. I heard Helen make her way towards the bed. It was dark and I hoped I was under the blanket alone. A hand from over the blanket pressed my face hard. Helen started suffocating me!

"Stop!" I begged. I didn't want to die like this. I couldn't even open my eyes. I felt her finger poke into them. I fought and fought the best way I could until...the blanket was ripped off of me.

I opened my eyes. I saw nothing but the darkness. Something was tied around my eyes and I couldn't move my hand to move it. The cover was lifted from over my head only to reveal a middle-aged man standing in front of me with a wide smile on his face. We were in an entry room of a mansion. As my eyesight shifted away from the man I saw more...more...I couldn't say they were people. Not everyone there was a person. some were creatures, monsters, and just bloody... 

One...five...eight...ten...fifteen...sixteen. There were sixteen people sitting around me. The man I saw first stood in front of us. He cleared his throat. "I just wanted to say thank you, to all of you." He started to clap. "You all have made my artwork, masterpieces! Because of some of you, I'm living the parents never supported."

He then shook his head. "But I did it," he said before clearing his throat once more.

"I have done this for many years and I'm afraid I cannot do this anymore. For various reasons, I suppose. One is, the cops have a lead on me and will be here in the next few days to arrest me and lock me in a jail cell for years. So, I might as well have fun one last time." He laughed, throwing his head back.

What is this? I wondered. As I looked at everyone, things started looking familiar. My heart dropped. This was the worst book to be in. Hide and Seek. No no no! Anyone who read that book wouldn't want to be in the main character's position.

There were moans that grew louder. Mr. Harmon, which was the guy's name, yelled for everyone to be quiet but the moaning only grew louder than before. He then held up a box. A regular brown box. Everyone stopped moaning. He had the box all along.

"Who wants to leave here alive?" he asked.

The moaning started again and Mr. Harmon smiled and nodded his head. "Today, one of you will walk away... alive! That's right. Alive. All you have to do is win."

I'm sure everyone wondered what we had to do to win.

"You have to win the hide and seek game that we're going to play. Sounds like fun?" he said. "Now, we'll play by my rules. There are sixteen of you and today, only one of you will leave."

Mrs. Harmon walked inside of the room, carrying a box. She emptied the box onto the floor where knives, axes, tools, and kitchen utensils fell out. I was beginning to feel very nervous.

"In this game, each one of you is, indeed, alive and will be untied then given a weapon. You will then be given a card." He pointed his finger in the air and faced the floor. "If your card says murderer, it means you're it. You do not tell anyone that you're the murderer: that would be cheating."

Mrs. Harmon stepped next to Mr. Harmon. He placed his arm around her. "My wife has specially sewed your lips together for you to say only these things: You're dead, and, I found a dead body. I tried to part my lips but it didn't work! It was sewed shut. It hurt too. My lips stung with every small moment. I didn't want to open them.

He then pointed a girl. "Please, try it."

She hesitated for a bit before saying it. "I found a dead body," she said in a soft voice.

Mr. Harmon continued, "Whoever gets the card, Murderer, will search for the others. The lights will be off. Once you found someone, you simply whisper in their ear, you're dead then kill them. You may leave the body or hide it. If someone finds the body they yell, I found a dead body! Once you yell that, the lights will come on and all of us will meet here in this room. We'll guess the murderer then the game will start over again until there's only one murderer left."

Mrs. Harmon, his wife, started to untie everyone's hands. When she got to mine, she stopped and smiled at me. "You like to copy someone's ideas? Now you'll live through them too."

I sat there as the weapons were poured out onto the floor. I tried to remember who got the card first in the story. Who was it, but I forgot. 

I received my card. It was blank. I wasn't it. Mr. Harmon then disappeared. The words, "lights out" boomed through the air then everything was dark. I wanted to cry. I wanted to die. I started regretting everything especially when someone touched my shoulder.

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