Chapter 10

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The eyeless creature continued staring at me until it spoke. "Christy," It moaned my name. I heard more voices than one in its voice.

"Have you ever heard of Liam the mirror boy?" It asked.

I swallowed. It just sounded too creepy. I didn't want to know about Liam the mirror boy. No, thank you. However, I had no choice but to listen. Then I had a thought. Jakayla has a book called, Chasing My Reflection. I remember I didn't read it because there had been something to do with mirrors and I wasn't too fond of mirrors. Just no.

The creature slowly turned it's head to the left. Bones cracked as it moved. I cringed from the disturbing sound. As it faced the ground, it began talking.

"Liam was a young boy about your age," The creature moaned, it's voice eerie, airy, and emotionless. "He was killed by his friend, Sheril, who cursed him to abide in a mirror forever. Since then, Liam lives in the mirrors. And there's no specific mirror..." It's voice trailed off into nothing but air in that last sentence then it spoke again. "Now you know of Liam the mirror boy. Anyone you tell will know of Liam the mirror boy. And anyone who reads of Liam the mirror boy...will know Liam the mirror boy. And when you think of him, that's when your death is near because anyone who thinks of Liam the mirror boy will die in the next hour....."

Before I could reply or even fathom what I just heard, I sat against a wall, staring at an open door. There were lights on near me, however, the opened door...inside of it was nothing but complete darkness. I was in a hallway. A painting of three black angels sitting down hung on the wall. I looked at the picture trying to think of stuff know. Devils, angels, paintings, darkness, death, black, wall, grass...So many things came to my mind but Liam snuck in. His name snuck inside of my brain and I thought of him...Liam the mirror boy.

I heard a glass break from inside the darkness. I tried to stand up but I couldn't move. I don't why I couldn't. Of course, Jakayla would paralyze me so I could sit and wait for what would come for me. As I sat there, I thought of my death. How I would die. Who would kill me? WHAT would kill me. What did Liam look like? So many things! Then I heard something step into the glass. The glass moved and one piece of glass slid across the floor next to my foot. I waited. I waited for Liam...the mirror boy.

My heart pounded so hard I thought it'd drop into my stomach already. When you're afraid and something's coming, you want to look, you want to know what it is but at the same sort of just want to disappear. I must have been super curious because I did not blink. Not once. I looked into the darkness the whole time. I welcomed the darkness.

"The mirror boy the mirror boy he walks around the mirror, boy. He stalks you and steals your toys, the mirror boy the mirror boy."

Someone with greased back hair, hunched back, piercing black eyes, smile, watches you like a wolf might observe it's prey, slight smile. Then he stood up straight. It was Liam. Broken bits of glass fell off of him. He wore a long dirty gown. Loud piercing inhuman voices continued to sing. I thought it was him at first but it was coming from behind him. "The mirror boy the mirror boy, run from the mirror boy. Behind you, in front of you, you can't escape the mirror boy."

I could move again. Now that I was able to walk, I wished I were paralyzed. I did not want to live at that moment. Or spend another second with Liam. Now I had. God knows how long I would have to run from him.

I was up and ready to run but Liam, walking like a crooked man, grabbed my face and dragged me down the hallway. His nails pierced into my face. I could feel some blood oozing from my face. With a crazy strength, he held me in the air by my face the threw me on the bed. He crookedly walked over then climbed on top of me. I looked at him.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, my words barely understandable.

He just looked at me with that disturbing smile. Suddenly, another girl who looked just like me appeared next to me. She didn't only look like me, it was an exact clone of me! Liam climbed on top of her. She stared at me the whole time. Or...I stared at me the whole time.

"This is what I'm going to do," He whispered in a dry voice. His hand plunged into my clone's face until his fingers gripped under her chin bone. Blood spewed all around. I saw the bones break as he lifted the clone's entire face off. The sound of the bones and mushiness made my stomach turned. I continued to watch as he ripped her flesh out of her face until nothing remained but half of a face. There was a hole so big her face that it looked like a bowl full of blood with hair on top. I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to puke.

Liam looked over to me and smiled. "Your turn."

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