Chapter 11

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Liam smiled as he reached for my face. I didn't have time to think! So, I just started talking.


"I watched as my clone sat up straight in the bed. Back to life.  It's grotesque face facing my way. Her hands quickly reached out in front of her. She frantically waved them around trying to get a hold of her surroundings."

Everything I said came to life. Now wasn't the time for writer's block, I had to keep babbling.

"My clone got off of the bed but quickly fell against a dresser. Water started to flow from her face, like actually just pouring from the hole in her face. She was...crying. 'Do you hear that?" She moaned. Her voice slow and low. Suddenly the room went dark..."

This scary part about telling this story was that I had to put myself into the scary part. I sat here alone in the dark with Liam the mirror boy and my clone with the dismembered face. Great way to spend a night, right? If I wasn't scaring Jakala, I was surely scaring myself.

"A flicker of light showed, then a tiny fire. My clone somehow got hold of a lighter. How she managed to get one was beyond me. She slid the lighter around in the dark. I watched as she walked towards a mirror with the lighter. She held it still. A few seconds later, a hand reached out of the mirror followed by the body of a young woman. Her back hunched, her hair blonde but dead as can be. Her skin looked like wax and some of it was peeling off of her onto the floor. Strangely it grew back within a second, then peeled off again. Her eyes were rolled back revealing nothing but the whites. Her mouth moved like she was speaking, but no words came out."

The lights suddenly came on. Liam turned them on. This wasn't part of my story. Liam's eyes were too rolled back and his head moved rapidly left to right. It was so fast his face was just a complete blur to me. That's when the lights went back off...and the lighter was off too. Everything was silent except my beating heart. 

There are many types of fears but I can't describe the feeling when you're all alone in the dark and you feel something breathing on your leg. Whatever was down there spoke to me. I heard it's grim voice. "Let's play a game."

Whatever was by my leg raised its head. It was behind me but I was too afraid to look back. I peeked at it, but the site of the white mask, followed by ANOTHER mask was frightening. Their hand reached out in front of me revealing needles as fingers. My legs gave away and I fell to the ground, crying, begging for this to stop.

There was just a laughter, then it spoke. "The game is called, Would You Rather..."

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