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danyul: hey hot thing

philly: hi? am i a "hot thing" now??

danyul: yeah a very hot thing

philly: okay i wont complain, what is it?

danyul: i dont have school this week and i was wondering if u are free too?

philly: actually yeah

danyul: phil we could meet, pHIL THIS IS AMAZING

philly: im just sitting and squealing quietly but mom heard me and she thinks im crazy, this is why i dont leave my room

danyul: wow, but seriously we could make this happen

philly: does your parents know? my mom knows i talk to some "weird media buddy" as she calls it

danyul: nah they dont, they wouldnt even notice if i was gone for a few days

philly: thats really bad but really good too



excuse me, who? //phan [COMPLETED] (book #1)Where stories live. Discover now