Now They're Both Jerks

911 39 36

-Hoseok POV-

It's two in the morning and I have not slept since I came home from the club.

My parents didn't even hear me come home, but that's because I crawled through my window.

They didn't know that I was out.

The cliche life of a typical rebellious teenager.

Just my shit.

While I was working on some rap lyrics by my desk, I heard something tap on my window.

ಠ ∩ಠ do I dare look?

Ever so slowly I turned my head and braced myself for what was making that sudden noise.

"Hoseok. Its me, open."

My eyes widen, "Evie?" I whispered.

She tapped louder, "Open! It's raining!"

I immediately ran toward my window and let her in, I made sure she didn't fall.

"Evie what--"

She wrapped her arms around me. Almost as if she had just gone through something awful and ran away from it.

I managed to hold her close, despite she was soaking wet.

Evie started to sob softly and held me tighter.

What on earth happened? I just saw her at the club and she was fine.


I pulled away and faced her, "Did Jooheon do something?"

She sobbed, "I don't know I I-- we were kissing and then he got on top-and I-- there was blood and--"

"Woah slow down." I whispered, "Take it easy."

Evie sniffled.

"Let's get you dried up." I started.

I gave Evie a set of dry clothes to change into and a towel as well.

She said her head ached too so I gave her some medication for that.

This isn't anything new to me to be honest, she's arrived at my room drunk plenty of times.

Although this time I'm actually concerned...

I gave Evie time to relax and get herself together, we sat together on my bed not saying a word to each other.

Evie didn't even look at me.

She looked drained.

Like she had gotten a reality check of some sort.

I'm worried about her.


"I don't want to talk about it." She snapped.


Evie grabbed my bed sheets and started to get under the covers.

"Uhm Evie--"


ಠ ∩ಠ

"Nothing." I said as soon as I gave in to what she wants to do.

Evie turned over and laid in bed, I guess she's going to sleep.

"I'll lock the door so no one comes in." I whispered.

She didn't respond.

I went and locked the door then got an extra pillow and a blanket.

Once I set up my space on the floor to sleep, I said, "Goodnight, Evie."

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