1. Jack POV

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Jack's POV
I woke up in my cat bed by my phone dinging with text messages from Felix. I got up and stretched my paws out, as I am in my full cat form, and then turned into human form with my light brown ears and tail poking out of my body. Walking over to my human bed I looked towards my bedside table to see 5 text messages from Felix, my hybrid friend.
Pewdiepie👊🏻: 6:45pm
How's it going bro! Meet me at Starbucks at 8:00 I have someone I want to show u
Pewdiepie👊🏻: 7:10
Hey Jackaboy! U there or have u forgotten to charge ur phone again? I need to know that ur coming
Pewdiepie👊🏻: 7:30
It's been 20 more minutes r u still fucking asleep bro!
Pewdiepie👊🏻: 7:35
I'll buy u ur coffee if u text in the next 5 mins
Pewdiepie👊🏻: 7:36
I'll even buy u two cookies and a cupcake!!!🍪🍪🎂
After seeing the last 2 texts I typed back rapidly
Jackaboy✋🏻: 7:38
I was asleep but now I'm fully awake give me ten mins to get ready I bet u I'll be ready and there in time for cake cookies and my coffee Fefe!
Pewdiepie👊🏻: 7:38
Knew that would of got ur attention😂
(Small time skip after Jack changes back into a full human and does his morning things)
I left my house and walked to the Starbucks that was only just up the street. Thinking back to the first text message Felix sent I started wondering 'who is it?' Reaching the shop the smell of coffee, cakes and cookies fills the air. It's 7:58 right now and pewds said to be here at 8:00, 'told him I would be here on time' I laughed to myself in my head.
After waiting 2 more minutes Felix and this other guy I've never seen before entered and walked over to me. "Hey Felix and..." "Ken, nice to meet you, you must be Jack this bastard was talking about you on the walk here hehe" replied the man that sat next to Felix. Felix quickly replied with "yep this is the loud Irish kitty-cat" I looked at Felix betrayed because he told Ken that I was a cat hybrid, Ken must have noticed because he explained that he was a bear hybrid and never thought he would have found any other hybrids until he found Felix. As he finished i sighed in relief and laughed silently, "oh good, u aren't a crazy scientist haha!" "Nope, I failed science in school" Ken joked around while me and my blonde haired friend laughed.
"Anyway, Felix, you mentioned three of my favourite things in two texts: coffee, cake and cookies, hmmm?" I said as I showed the Lynx and bear hybrid the messages, "alright, alright, I'll get your ducking coffee, cake and two bloody cookies." Felix replied, unhappy that he said those things.
(Time skip to when Felix comes back)
"Here u go jacka-kitty," Felix placed down jacks mini meal and turned to the bearded bear-man, "and Ken u wanted to ask us something?"Felix asked, Ken replied excitedly after "oh yeah! I heard a rumour that there was a dog hybrid out in the forest," "so?" Me and Felix said in unison, "so?! So we should go out there and find 'em! I've done some research on the rumour and found out that we are Looking for either a red and black haired man with glasses or a black wolf-dog with brown eyes and possibly a red dog collar!" I looked at Ken and saw that he was excited and serious about this 'HE'S CRAZY! I'M NOT GOING OUT THERE, INTO THE DARK AND SCARY FOREST!!!" I literally shouted in my head while Felix, as excitedly as Ken, replied " AWESOME! Jack I know it's the forest but another hybrid like us we can't miss out on this!" I looked at Felix trying to think positively but I just can't! "Umm, I don't know guys, I mean he's a dog he could, y'know, attack me! And the forest it's just I-I don't know..." I look down but then I feel someone hug me, I jumped a little but relaxed as I saw dirty blonde hair covering my vision, s Felix pulled away Ken replied softly "don't worry, I promise if this guy tries to hurt u he's got some serious beatings to be given by a black bear" he smiles cheekily at me then Felix said "and remember I'm part of the cat family aswell."
After ariving home from Starbucks and agreeing to meet tomorrow night at 9:00 pm with Ken and Felix, I decided to sleep in my human bed tonight as a human with my ears and tail out, I start thinking about the description Ken gave to us 'I wonder if his red hair is styled like my green hair? Will he actually attack? Will he come to the city with us?' Thoughts like these were being repeated in my head until I fell asleep.

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