7. Exploration 3

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Jacks POV
Mark and I have been exploring for about an hour until we heard something, it sounded like crunching of leaves, I saw Marks ears perk up t the sound and he stood above me in a protected stance. He looked around, didn't see anything, then he sniffed the air, he stopped at an angle, "stay low and make sure nothing see's you, there's another two wolves here," the black wolf whispered to me, I crouched down low and then, "as soon as I bark you run back to the cave, be stealthy and invisible, if you here anything bad don't come back for me, you keep going till you meet up with Ken and Felix, tell them to follow you and bring them here unless I'm at the cave, you understand?" Mark told me, not once glancing down to me, "o-okay, but what if your seriously injured or d-dead?" I teared up a bit thinking about Mark dead in the ground, "don't worry, I'm tough to beat and I'm more worried about you," I smiled up at him and purred against his back leg.
He barked and then I started to run, I kept running till I saw a black bear in the distance but then I heard him, I heard Mark howl in pain, I looked back, but I kept to his instructions and got Ken and Felix, tears streaming down my furry face. "K-Ken! F-Felix! Help him, help Mark p-p-please!" I screamed they both looked at me then I turned back and ran in the direction that I came in, both of my friends close behind.
Marks POV
As I barked Jack ran from underneath me, the two other wolves, one grey and one brown jumped out, they started to attack me, they were both alphas, the female was the brown one and the male grey, the male bit at my left front leg and the female went for my right one, howling in pain I just hoped Jack kept to his promise and carried on going, not to come back for me till he is with Ken and/or Felix. I started to attack back after biting and clawing at the two wolves, I manage to get both of them off my legs and bit the males throat I stayed there ignoring the female biting the back of my neck to try and get me of the grey wolf but I stood my ground, until the wolf body I was biting went limp. I let go and the body dropped to the ground, the female got off of me and backed away I growled, barley able to stand up, I weakly said to her "if you or your pack tries to attack me again, be prepared to experience more of this." She nodded scrambling to get away, after she was gone I fell to the ground, my front legs to weak to keep me up.
Soon I heard three different animals running towards me, Loki g up slightly I saw Ken, Felix and Jack in their human forms looking at me, I sensed that Jack had been crying before and he dropped down next to me, "no, Mark, please say you're okay! I know your not dead, you can't be!" I looked at him crying because of the sight of me, "I'm only hoping I'm not dead," I weakly chuckled he looked down upon me and smiled sadly, he turned into a cat and snuggle against my face, trying to comfort me, I smiled warmly at him and fell asleep on the forest floor.
Felix's POV
We saw Mark fall asleep and Ken picked his wolf body up off the ground, I saw another wolf body, but it was grey, blood on its teeth and coming out of its throat, 'probably the wolf that jumped Mark, died fighting the best wolf I know, but we better get Jack out of here before he see's the other body' I thought to myself. "Come on Jack, we're going to the town and taking Mark to the vet, hopefully he stays as a wolf during it," I told him, he suddenly jolted into his human form and literally shouted "NO! We can't take him to the vet, he said he will never go into the town! He'll be petrified, they'll find out he's an hybrid!" I looked shocked but I understood.
Jack POV
After taking Mark back to the cave we set him down on the bed till he woke up. I stayed with him while Ken and Felix went out to go and find some food. Soon Mark started to stir in his sleep, making whimpering sounds, he started to transform into his human form. I got onto the bed to comfort him and hugged his side he stopped making the sounds and I saw a smile creep up onto his lips, his pink, perfect lips I lent in but then...

But then a cliff hanger came and swooped in!!!

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