Chapter 4 Is Electronic Crazy?

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Right before the team got to Vancouver Island, Faster asked Electronic. "Why are we using a boat and not our powers to get there?" asked Faster. "Well what would happen if my powers malfunctioned while we were above the water?" asked Electronic knowing what was going to come next. "Our powers can malfunction!?" screamed Faster as Electronic hushed him. "No only mine can, can I trust you not to say anything?" asked Electronic knowing that if there is one thing you can trust Faster with it is keeping a secret. "Yes Electronic, you can always trust me," said Faster not knowing why Electronic trusts him with something like that. "Good, I would hate to have Think Tank erase your memories like he did with Split and Invis in another timeline," said Electronic using his knowledge to scare as his eyes glowed gold. "Funny, that was a joke, right, right?" asked Faster nervously.

"Finally we are here: Green Ridge Farms," said Electronic happily. Half dead grass, barn that is partially falling apart, old shed, old broken tractor and truck, old never used swimming pool, smells like an old farm, but it still manages to be a beautiful place that I love to visit, thought Electronic happily. "Okay team; here is what I want you to do; Think Tank, Earth Eater, Lighter and Hypno you are on guard duty; Fly Hair, Flamer and Faster you go look for any supplies that might be in nearby areas; Sound Beam show Chrona, Split, Monkgal, and Invis around the farm; Stunter and Rubberer, you're with me," said Electronic commandingly but kindly.

"Rubberer you have a piano still, right?" asked Electronic hopefully. "Yes, but what does that have to do with this post-apocalyptic scenario?" asked Rubberer wondering what Electronic was trying to get at. "It will all make sense later," said Electronic while trying to come up with something silly to say.

"Ah, music sheets, just the thing I was looking for," said Electronic happily. "What?" asked Stunter angrily. "Are you kidding me, Electronic?" asked Rubberer trying not to get angry. "We could have gotten music sheets so much easier," said Stunter getting into a fit. "Why did we come all the way here?" asked Stunter on the verge of punching Electronic. "I want to go out playing an instrument like Toxic Bruce," said Electronic sarcastically. "Who is Toxic Bruce?" asked Rubberer. "Never mind that was just a bad joke and a reference to an anime; the only anime I ever liked it was about steam trains in outer space," said Electronic trying to smile at his joke while looking at his gold necklace.

Right then there was a loud scream from outside. They ran out to find Faster with his leg badly injured.

"What happened?" asked Electronic worriedly. "He came back injured," said Think Tank mockingly. "I can see that, Faster what happened to you?" asked Electronic worriedly as he leaned over close to Faster's face. "Uh, uh purple eyes as if venom was pouring from them...!" mumbled Faster crazily. "Think Tank, read his mind so we can know what happened to him," said Electronic worried about what comes next especially with the mention of purple eyes. "Already on it Electronic, Spyderly that's the only thing on his mind, you knew this was going to happen, not even you can change the future," said Think Tank sternly. "I know, I know but if Spyderly is around we are all in danger not to mention the space-time continuum," said Electronic worriedly. "How does this Spyderly person put the space-time continuum in danger?" asked Rubberer in a scared manner. "She is from a future that no longer exists," said Electronic smartly. "How is that possible?" asked Rubberer curiously. "It's all a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff," said Electronic while laughing internally. "Well that explains everything," said Rubberer sarcastically. "The monsters are coming, the monsters are coming!" yelled Earth Eater enthusiastically. "Earth Eater, Lighter, Hypno hold them off, I will go look for Flamer and Fly Hair, the rest of you get to the boat," said Electronic commandingly as his right eye glowed gold. "Yes sir," said the team.

"Where could Flamer and Fly Hair be ah ha?" Electronic asked himself as he was flying around while both his eyes were glowing a bright gold. "A building on fire and screaming coming from inside sounds like a good place to start," Electronic said to himself coming in for a landing while both his eyes started glowing a dimer gold.

"So Flamer how did this happen?" asked Electronic in an annoyed manner taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyebrows. "I thought I saw a spider so I tried to burn it and Fly Hair's hair caught on fire," said Flamer weakly. "There you go fires out," said Electronic not making a big deal about it while both his eyes glowed gold. "How did you do that?" asked Fly Hair wondering what Electronic isn't telling them. "Why do people always ask me questions?" asked Electronic in an annoyed manner while yet again removing his glasses and rubbing his eyebrows. "Well anyways thank you for putting out the fire but my hair is burnt and I kind of need my hair to use my powers, ah ah," said Fly Hair trying to change topic but suddenly getting a shock of pain. "Right, your hair sort of instantly regenerates and it will hurt," said Electronic still trying to remember all the important information. "I wish you had told me that sooner!" yelled Fly Hair angrily. "Yeah, sorry about that," said Electronic. "Why did my hair grow back still dyed purple and black and not its natural brown?" asked Fly Hair. "It probably has something to do with this bizarre version of the world that we are in," said Electronic. "That doesn't explain things," said Fly Hair. "Anyways I will explain things better when we get to the others," said Electronic knowing what he has to tell the group at least some of the truth. "Speaking of which, where are the others?" asked Flamer worriedly. "I told them to get to the boat but there are still three at the farm so Flamer, you get to the boat; Fly Hair, you get Earth Eater to the boat; and I will get Hypno to the boat," said Electronic commandingly. "I thought that you said there were three people at the farm," said Flamer in a confused manner. "The other one is Lighter, she can easily fly her way to the boat on her own," said Electronic explaining it as kindly as possible.

"Finally, back on the boat, you can ask me any question you want," said Electronic somewhat happily. "Are there any other people around besides the people that want to kill us?" asked Flamer worriedly. "Yes," said Electronic while finding a place to sit. "How many?" asked Earth Eater sternly. "Eight," said Electronic while looking at his gold necklace. "Why are we going to the locations we are going to?" asked Hypno smartly. "I can't say anything about that without destroying the space-time continuum," said Electronic still looking at his gold necklace. "Who are those eight that are on neither side?" asked Rubberer smartly. "One is my dad Fighter (powers unknown) the destroyer mutant, one is my step brother Pounder (powers can smash anything me can catch), one is my half-sister Healer (powers healing), two of them are my other cousins, one of them is Lighter's sister Time (powers over time), one is Lighter's nephew Space (powers over space), and one does not exist in any physical form her name is Ackaley (gender female; powers over reality)," said Electronic while putting his gold necklace away and looking at Rubberer's face happily. "Electronic what are up with these outfits?" asked Fly Hair. "They are designed to enhance our powers," said Electronic. "So why is yours always changing?" asked Monkgal. "Probably it is due to a flux in time space," said Electronic. "So I am guessing that my outfit looking just like that drawing I did of what my alter ego costume would look like is just a coincidence," said Hypno avoiding the word 5uper her0 because of copy write reasons. "For the most part," said Electronic. "What does that mean?" asked Hypno. "Well this world was created from my dreams," said Electronic.

"Electronic, Faster's condition is worsening; there is only one way to heal him, your half-sister," said Think Tank pulling Electronic to the side. "Think Tank don't you remember the possible futures where we saved Faster?" asked Electronic sternly while his right eye glowed gold and his left eye glowed purple. "Ah, yes the one where I knitted sweaters, the one where you fell off of a cliff and the bunny ray gun, but as I remember it the bunny ray gun wasn't all that horrible," said Think Tank remembering all the fun they had. "Yes but it is too short and doesn't make a very good story," said Electronic being funny while his eyes dimed. "That's true and just because we don't like the Mad Scientist doesn't mean we want him to be turned into a rabbit," said Think Tank being funny. "The pains of seeing all the possible futures at once, the rest of them shall never know our pain," said Electronic truthfully while his right eye almost radiated gold. "We are the three that started it all: Faster, Electronic and Think Tank," said Think Tank with a slight smirk on his face. "We have to let Faster die to protect the time-space continuum," said Electronic sadly while his left eye almost radiated purple.

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