Chapter 7 Family Matters

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"Big Ears, call Spyderly there is a rift in time and space and I think it is Sliver McGiver (gender male; powers unknown) and I need him hypnotized as fast as possible," said the Mad Scientist happily. "I thought you said to never talk to her?" said Big Ears questioningly, recalling what was said earlier. "She will be happy when we tell her that her father is back," said The Mad Scientist happily.

"Ah finally in Kentucky but what happened here?" asked Electronic worriedly. "How would we know," said the team. "Okay Think Tank you stay here with Sound Beam, Lighter, Monkgal, Stunter and Flamer for ten minutes. If Earth Eater, Rubberer and I are not back yet, come look for us," said Electronic worriedly.

"What's that over there?" asked Rubberer worriedly. "Dad, is that you? What has happened to you; what has Spyderly done to you?" asked Electronic worriedly as his right eye glowed gold and his left eye glowed purple. "Oh I killed your step brother and half-sister and told him I could bring them back," said Spyderly. "Oh I see you thought that you could get Earth Eater healed by your half-sister," said Spyderly while looking at Earth Eater and laughing evilly while her eyes glowed pure purple. "Ah!" yelled Earth Eater in pain. "Earth Eater don't die we can still find a way to heal you!" yelled Electronic sadly. "His power will come in handy," said Spyderly evilly her eyes still remaining purple.

"What's that? Big Ears Sliver McGiver is back? I will be there right away just after I say good bye to Electronic," said Spyderly her eyes becoming the darkest purple you could ever see. "Bye Electronic, or should say Dad? I am off to hypnotize Sliver McGiver or should I call him dad under order of Mad Scientist who indirectly works for the Cop (gender male; powers unknown) or should I call him dad? Hahahahaha," said Spyderly while laughing evilly her eyes becoming immediately bright purple.

"Sorry, son, but if I don't kill you then I will not see them ever again," said Fighter sadly. "Don't you see that she has been hypnotizing you?" asked Electronic angrily his eyes starting to glow gold. "I can't give up on the last glimpse of hope that they are still alive," said Fighter angrily. "I am alive; your only true son. Does that mean nothing to you?" asked Electronic angrily his eyes glowing brighter. "Yes? I don't know anymore," said Fighter while fighting himself internally. "I am sorry I have to do this to you dad," said Electronic sadly as his eyes glowed bright gold. "No Electronic watch out!" yelled Rubberer worriedly. "No, Rubberer don't, if he kills me let it be!" yelled Electronic crazily as his eyes seemed to become pure gold. "Ah!" yelled Electronic and Rubberer at the same time.

"Electronic, Rubberer, what's happened to you?" asked Flamer worriedly. "Try to help them!" yelled Think Tank worriedly. "What about Fighter?" asked Monkgal not wanting to hurt her uncle. "Make sure he is dead and stays dead," said Think Tank sternly. "Why?" asked Stunter also not wanting to hurt his uncle. "Because that is what Electronic wishes," said Think Tank sternly.

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