Chapter 14 The Truth Hurts

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"Electronic, where is Sliver?" asked Think Tank worriedly. "I sort of absorbed him into me which worked because he is me from an alternate timeline and so is the Cop," said Electronic. "Is Spyderly dead?" asked Sound Beam worriedly. "No, not exactly but the captured souls have been freed and she is presently stuck in the realm of Ackaley so the timeline is safe from one threat for now but another one still remains," said Electronic sadly. "The Cop right?" asked Think Tank. "Yes you are correct," said Electronic sadly. "Well we are ready to help you, aren't we?" asked Lighter. "Yes we are," said Sound Beam, Rubberer and Stunter. "Sorry but only Think Tank can come with me to fight the Cop," said Electronic. "Why?" asked Rubberer. "Just trust me," said Electronic. "Okay," said Rubberer.

"Hypno they defeated Spyderly, our daughter. I can't believe it. Is there anything you could tell me to help me kill Electronic?" asked the Cop angrily and hopefully his eyes glowing a mystical purple. "Sure I will tell you how to defeat another version of yourself. Try knocking off his hat whether it be a baseball cap or a fez, or steal his keys of power, or perhaps shatter his glasses with a poison bullet or maybe even destroy his sweater if he has one on," said Hypno mockingly. "You dare mock me, the Cop?" asked the Cop angrily his eyes glowing purple. "You do realize that even the Mad Scientist is more of an intimidating name than the Cop?" asked Hypno mockingly. "You dare mock me again?" asked the Cop even more angrily the glow in his eyes rising with his anger. "Your anger will betray you," said Hypno mockingly. "That's it, I shall anger Electronic. He has so many emotional weaknesses that I do not have, he shall be easy prey," said the Cop triumphantly a dim gold appearing in his eyes. "Oh no I can't believe I betrayed Electronic as well as the Cop; what have I done?" asked Hypno worriedly.

"The reason I brought you along is you have no great attachment to me so if he preys on my emotional weakness you will not be hindered in anyway at all and you will not immediately rush to comfort me," said Electronic smartly. "You did not need to tell me that. I am, after all, one of your oldest friends and one of the only other future seers and mind readers that we know of," said Think Tank smartly. "Even though what I do isn't actually reading minds," said Electronic. "Yes I know what you are actually doing is sensing the electrical impulses in their brain and making an educated guess of what they are thinking about, but as long as I am by your side you can actually read minds," said Think Tank, wondering why Electronic would specify that right now. "But that is not what is important right now. What is important is our duty, we must protect the timeline," said Electronic. "Yes, we must defeat the Cop," said Think Tank. "Yes but time is still warped and broken; it will snap if this continues. But Think Tank, you must find a way around the thing that will erase our memories," said Electronic worriedly. "There is a problem with that, Electronic, I can barely see beyond to what is next so I have almost no idea what's going to happen," said Think Tank truthfully. "I don't know too much of what's going to happen either just please find a way around it Think Tank," said Electronic worriedly.

"Electronic I was wondering when we were going to meet. I see you brought a friend, one of the few you ever managed to keep," said the Cop evilly his eyes glowing purple. "Why do you continue to send people to attack me and my friends?" asked Electronic his eyes glowing gold. "I do this because I am a cop and you tried to rob a bank. I am just putting the criminals' away hahahahhaha," said the Cop going fully insane his eyes radiating a magnificently mystical purple. "You are our rage, our fury, our greediness, our side that demands punishment of others and punishment for our own crimes. What part of that screams good guy?" asked Electronic and Sliver McGiver the combined power of their now connected eyes glowing a shade of gold beyond definition. "You forget I have no emotional weakness," said the Cop evilly his eyes glowing a blinding sickening purple. "I just labeled your emotional weaknesses," said Electronic smartly his eyes glowing the most powerful gold you could imagine. "I shall kill you, you failure of a hero," said the Cop angrily his eyes glowing a reddish purple full of rage. "Think Tank now!" yelled Electronic flashing a powerful gold beyond imagination. "Ah!" yelled the Cop in pain his eyes colour completely draining and then returning to their normal blue. "Sorry but you left yourself open to a counter attack," said Electronic quoting one of his favorite video game lines.

"Electronic, is it time?" asked Think Tank sadly. "Yes thank you I am as complete as I can get for now," said Electronic happily.

"Think Tank, it is time to go back but before we do we have to say goodbye to the rest so summon them please," said Electronic sadly. "Where are we?" asked the team. "The portal back to earth, this portal, shall restore your ages as well unless something really bad happens. In that case your ages will be set to my age again and we will most likely have to dimension hop again, but of course some of us shall lose their memories of this place," said Electronic sadly. "Do you know who?" asked the team. "Yes in the slight bit of the future I can see it is those who died who can't keep their memories of this land. Also sadly I shall lose my memories along with Hypno, Think Tank and Rubberer," said Electronic sadly. "We can't talk to each other about what happened here once we get back on earth because if we did it might cause problems in the space time continuum," said Think Tank truthfully. "Chrona, what day is it back on earth?" asked Electronic not sure because of all the alterations in time. "The eighth of October," said Chrona barely having to use her power to know. "Wait, the eighth of October that's your birthday isn't it Electronic?" asked Rubberer partially happy. "Yes it is, but it is time for everyone to step into the portal other than Think Tank, Rubberer, Stunter and Sound Beam," said Electronic commandingly.

"First off, I am not going back," said Electronic sadly while looking at his gold necklace. "What?" asked everyone but Think Tank. "I can't leave all the wondrous memories behind. Also I can't leave Spyderly without a guard. Another thing, Rubberer please stay with me," said Electronic hopefully. "Of course I will stay with you Electronic," said Rubberer sweetly. "Where is Spyderly though?" asked Rubberer worriedly. "She is being watched by Ackaley for the time being," said Electronic kindly. "Stunter and Sound Beam go into the portal. You have heard what I wanted you to hear," said Electronic happily. "One last question, won't people notice you aren't there anymore?" asked Stunter and Sound Beam. "Don't worry there will be magic doubles in our place," said Electronic. "Bye then," said Stunter and Sound Beam. "Bye," said Electronic sadly. "The true reason you're staying is because of your age difference in the real world right?" asked Think Tank not needing to hear the answer. "You are too smart for your own good sometimes Think Tank, also take these," said Electronic while giving him some keys. "Your old house keys? Why would I need these?" asked Think Tank. "You will see and you will love the answer Think Tank," said Electronic with a big smile on his face. "Wait, Electronic just say my real name that is the way I can keep my memories and return to earth safely!" yelled Think Tank happily. "I knew you would figure it out Will," said Electronic happily.

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