Chapter 13 Farewell

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"I will need only my team to come with me so the best of luck to you back in your home dimensions," said Electronic happily. "Hey why are we still here?" asked Dart, Shana and Lavitz. "I just wanted to say special good bye to you Legend of Dragoon characters, Lavitz you are without a doubt my favorite video game character from any game ever," said Electronic realizing that they have no idea what a video game is. "Dart and Shana I just wanted to say that Rubberer and I have always seen our love similar to your own," said Electronic. "Farewell," said Dart, Shana and Lavitz.

"So you finally have arrived Electronic," said Spyderly and Sliver McGiver. "You guys take care of Spyderly and I will get Sliver," said Electronic.

"You can't beat me Sliver," said Electronic clashing against Sliver his eyes glowing gold. "You're right I can't beat you in fact I am currently trying to get out of this mind control," said Sliver McGiver clashing against Electronic his eyes also glowing gold but at the same time seemingly corrupted by purple. "Don't worry I won't hurt you that much," said Electronic stepping back the glow in his eyes becoming dimer. "Thanks for that," said Sliver McGiver also stepping back the glow in his eyes also getting dimer. "I thought that you couldn't be hypnotized or am I thinking of the wrong you?" asked Electronic clashing against Sliver again the glow in his eyes almost gone. "No, you got it right it's just that I don't think even you can hold off against two people with mind control powers," said Sliver McGiver clashing against Electronic again the glow all but gone from his eyes. "Well it would seem that, considering we are having this conversation, I am able to hold off two peoples mind control," said Electronic stepping back again his eyes returning back to their normal blue. "True. I guess that my point was proven wrong before I even said anything about it," said Sliver McGiver stepping back again eyes returning to their normal blue. "The good news is that I can feel their hold on me weakening," said Sliver McGiver while holding his head the small purple glow around his eyes dissipating. "Are you in enough control to not fight me or anyone else?" asked Electronic, catching Sliver as he stumbled forward. "I think so," said Sliver McGiver, still holding his head in pain. "Okay let's go see how they are doing with Spyderly," said Electronic, while partially carrying Sliver.

"Didn't anyone tell you that the more the fly struggles the more it gets tangled in the spider's web?" asked Spyderly evilly her eyes almost pouring forth purple venom. "Okay two things; first, the five of you couldn't beat Spyderly; and second Spyderly, what was with that line you just said? Just because you can transform into a giant spider does not mean you can make a joke like that," said Electronic. "Ha, just because thanks to loop holes in time and space you're my dad doesn't mean that you are my dad," said Spyderly evilly her eyes radiating pure purple.

"Sliver, if you would be so kind to kill Electronic now," said Spyderly commandingly her eyes turning gold in the center for a split second. "Sliver, go untie them while I take care of her, after that you know what to do," said Electronic commandingly. "Yes but you know what will happen if I do that," said Sliver McGiver seeing the future his eyes flashing gold. "It has to happen," said Electronic nervously as his eyes flashed gold in response. "Why is my power no longer working on him?" asked Spyderly angrily her eyes glowing dark reddish purple. "Simple. A parent has to get good at not falling prey to their child's powers," said Sliver McGiver and Electronic at the same time partially jokingly. "Ugh you are so annoying. Whatever, I hate to get my hands dirty but I guess this could be fun. There we go, a giant cliff with spikes at the bottom; Oh and last thing *creak* rahhhh!" yelled Spyderly angrily as her eyes glowed gold with a purple ring around them. "Great a giant spider thing, yeah, not good," Electronic said to himself. I hope Sliver gets back here soon, thought Electronic worriedly thinking about how this perfectly matches his worst nightmare. "If that's the way you want to play it then let's see if Earth Eater is still in there," said Electronic evilly his right eye shining gold and his left eye emitting purple. "What are you doing?" asked Spyderly nervously the purple glow from her eyes all but disappearing. "Earth Eater could start an earth quake if he started laughing," said Electronic while laughing evilly his eyes shining their respective colours brighter. "The cliff its breaking but it would be suicide because to make me laugh you're draining your power," said Spyderly starting to get worriedly as her eyes returned to a normal mix of brown and blue. "As Fly Hair said to take a bad guy out with me and to get away from you I'll do it," said Electronic evilly while paraphrasing his eyes shining brighter than ever before.

"Electronic, I have to save him. I can't believe I am going to risk everything I know for this but oh well," said Sliver McGiver while jumping off the cliff and aiming directly at Electronic his eyes glowing a magnificent gold.

"Oh did it have to hurt that much?" asked Electronic in pain. "I could have let you fall," said Sliver McGiver while rolling his eyes. "So where are we now? Nowhere? Everywhere?" asked Electronic while sitting down. "In the mind, well eleven fourteenths of a mind," said Sliver McGiver trying to figure out how any of this works. "So when is one of us going to stop our falling?" asked Electronic, not really thinking about how any of this works. "I don't know it seems that we have stopped time at the moment," said Sliver McGiver figuring it out. "Yeah so how is this going to work are we Electronic or are we Sliver McGiver?" asked Electronic. "You're asking me, oh my, is this ever confusing," said Sliver McGiver while taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyebrows. "Imagine what it will be like with the Cop," said Electronic worriedly while mimicking Sliver's movements. "I don't think our mind can survive that," said Sliver McGiver sadly. "Well we know it won't if we return to earth," said Electronic sadly. "So how will we say farewell?" asked Sliver McGiver worriedly. "I don't know," said Electronic taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyebrows. "We should just cross that bridge when we come to it," said Sliver McGiver while mimicking Electronic's movements. "I guess we shall stay Electronic even though I am the older version between the two of us right?" asked Sliver McGiver. "Well could you resist being hypnotized? No but I can, so there is that," said Electronic. "Did you lead a team of heroes? No but I have," continued Electronic. "Did you travel through time alone? No but I did," responded Sliver McGiver. "That's the only thing you have going for you, isn't it?" asked Electronic. "Yes," said Sliver McGiver sadly. "Okay then Electronic it is then," said Electronic. "Let's go take care of the Cop," said Sliver McGiver. "Also I shall do the talking and be in control, okay Sliver," said Electronic. "Alright I guess," said Sliver McGiver knowing it will be awhile before he gets a chance to be in charge again.

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