Chapter 8 Electronic And Ruberer's Dream

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"Why did you have to jump in front of me?" asked Electronic trying not to get angry. "Because I thought you were going to die," said Rubberer caringly. "Great, now we are both stuck in this realm until we heal," said Electronic, trying to think positively. "What?" asked Rubberer, trying to keep in a good mood. "This realm is where my mind gets sent if I ever run out of power or if my powers malfunction," said Electronic honestly. "What?" asked Rubberer worriedly. "Basically, if I get badly injured I get sent into a dreamlike state where I get healed but since you jumped in front of me, Rubberer, you came along for the ride," said Electronic as sweetly as possible. "Why is this realm just for you alone?" asked Rubberer sitting down on the chair that appeared in front of her. "It isn't just for me, we are all going to end up here," said Electronic also sitting on a chair that appeared in front of him. "So does that mean Faster, Fly Hair and Earth Eater are here?" asked Rubberer figuring out what Electronic's words mean. "Fly Hair should be here somewhere but Faster and Earth Eater's souls were taken by Spyderly so they can't enter this realm until we set them free," said Electronic sadly. "What? That's horrible! Where did she get that much power?" asked Rubberer worriedly. "From her parents and exposure to time travel at a young age. Also, I have to answer every question you ask me truthfully as long as we are in this realm," said Electronic being sweet. "Why did Spyderly call you her father and do you know who her mother is?" asked Rubberer. "Her father is me from another timeline and her mother, I am afraid to say, is Hypno," said Electronic. "So why am I, and I am guessing most of the other people in our group, older than they should be?" asked Rubberer. "Even I don't know. It doesn't make very much sense; it is like a weird dream," said Electronic. Where are my brothers?" asked Rubberer. "You aren't the only one missing siblings; after all, Flamer has two sisters," said Electronic. "That doesn't answer my question. Also I assume the reason my older half-sister isn't here is because you have never met her," said Rubberer, "That is correct, and the reason your brothers aren't here is because I don't know them well enough to put them in this story and I have run out of ideas for powers," said Electronic breaking the fourth wall. "What?" asked Rubberer. "Nothing," said Electronic. "Why didn't my power work properly, why do you always protect me?" asked Rubberer guessing the two things are connected. "Well you see I didn't want to tell you this but your power only really works against mental powers and some like my mind reading can get through. Even if your power does deflect the physical blow like it is supposed to, you will still feel pain," said Electronic. "So you still feel like you need to protect me?" asked Rubberer sweetly. "Yes," said Electronic sadly. "So can anything happen in this dream realm?" asked Rubberer, changing the subject to a happier one while getting up to look around. "Well there are limits, but a beautiful safe water fall that is perfect for diving off is within the limits," said Electronic sweetly his eyes glowing a dim but sturdy gold. "How did you know what I was thinking?" asked Rubberer sweetly. "My powers are coming back and like I said, one of my powers is reading people's minds," said Electronic kindly. "What are all of your powers?" asked Rubberer seriously. "Shooting electricity out of my hands, sensing electrical impulses, summoning small invisible rain clouds, seeing all the possible futures, being almost immune to being hypnotized and reading people's minds," said Electronic. "What do you mean by being almost immune to being hypnotized?" asked Rubberer, trying to figure out what he is saying. "Well if Hypno tried to hypnotize me it would not work, but a beautiful girl could still hypnotize me with her looks," said Electronic hinting at something. "So is that the true reason that that waterfall is here?" asked Rubberer, figuring out what he is saying. "Yes," said Electronic leaning in for a hug. "Then let's get swimming," said Rubberer hugging Electronic quickly, before the two of them ran for the water.

"Ah Rubberer I love you so much," said Electronic sweetly after getting out of the water and hugging Rubberer. "I love you too Electronic," said Rubberer hugging Electronic back. "Rubberer I must ask you a question what do you like about my appearance?" asked Electronic. "I love you for your personality not your looks," said Rubberer. "I know but even if you love me for my personality you have to like how I look a little, like how I like your brownish blond hair and your mystic brownish green eyes even thought I love you for your personality," said Electronic. "Okay to be fair I do like your blond hair turned brown by many days without sun, your body that is weak and looks as though it has never truly been worked but still shows that it contains great strength, your beautiful blue eyes which show frailty and strength, smarts and innocence, kindness and sadness," said Rubberer. "Thank you for being honest," said Electronic. "What's happening now?" asked Rubberer worriedly. "Our time here is up, time to wake up," said Electronic a little bit disappointedly.

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