Chapter 6 Traveling In Time In Texas

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"Okay it's time to tell you why I grabbed music sheets from the farm, my great grandfather's violin from my grandparents' house and asked Monkgal to get her violin cleaning kit from her house," said Electronic sadly. "Well, each of those places meant a lot to me and each of those things together means I can at least try to play it at his grave," said Electronic still not giving the full answer.

"Thanks to your power, Chrona, I can go back in time to a bit before he passed away," said Electronic happily. "Of course we are going to need to be invisible so Invis you're coming with us and Rubberer please come with us," said Electronic hopefully. "I will come with you, I guess I have stopped questioning you at this point," said Rubberer kindly.

Friendswood, Texas. So close to Houston that you can almost see NASA, and smells of wonderful greenery considering it is in Texas, thought Electronic happily. "Ah, here it is, my great grandfather's grave," said Electronic, happy for finding it and sad for what it reminded him of. Arthur Jimmie Clardy 1910-2012. "Okay this should be good and easy the dates match up, sweet let's turn back time," said Chrona happily. "Invis, how are you holding up?" asked Electronic. "It must be hard to keep us invisible while we are time traveling," said Electronic worriedly. "You have no idea Electronic," said Invis straining to keep them invisible. "Stop talking while we are time traveling it is hard enough to focus already," said Chrona trying to stay happy. "Good point we don't want to end up in the Stone Age," said Electronic. "I said stop talking!" yelled Chrona.

"Here we are just after Saint Patrick's Day in 2012," said Chrona happily. "Perfect his birth day was the day before Saint Patrick's Day let's go in and see him," said Electronic happily. "Arthur Clardy?" said Electronic questioningly. "Go away! I don't want any visitors," said Arthur Clardy angrily. "Not even from me, your favorite great grandson that came back from the future to see you? I missed you old man," said Electronic happily. "I missed you too but I guess this means I am going to die soon," said Arthur Clardy sadly and not questioning things. "Yes you are right," said Electronic sadly. "Well I am a hundred and two, the end was obviously close, but who is that with you?" asked Arthur Clardy, not bothered by the situation one bit. "She is my soon to be wife, great grandfather," said Electronic happily. "So you wanted me to see that there is hopefully going to be at least one more generation of Clardy after all you are my only, true great grandson that carries the family name," said Arthur Clardy happily. "Yes that is why I came to see you," said Electronic happily. Also to get some motivation to keep me going thought Electronic sadly. "Well you probably have something important to get back to," said Arthur Clardy keeping his wits about him despite his age. "Yes I do," said Electronic sadly. "Well then get to it. A Clardy never wastes time or a good opportunity," said Arthur Clardy demandingly. "Let's head back to the future, I have to give an announcement," said Electronic.

Back at the camp right after Electronic, Rubberer, Invis and Chrona went back in time. "Ah!" yelled Faster in pain. "What is the matter Faster?" asked Think Tank worriedly. "My injured leg is acting up that's all," said Faster in pain. "Everyone be on guard," said Think Tank worriedly. "Why?" asked Split nervously. "Spyderly is around here somewhere," said Think Tank sternly. "Too late to be on guard Think Tank," said Spyderly happily as her eyes glowed a mystic purple. "Faster no!" yelled Think Tank. "Sorry, man I should have been more careful," said Faster weakly. "Bye suckers; I will kill the rest of you later," said Spyderly. "Think Tank I think she got me too," said Earth Eater weakly. "Well I guess the best thing to do know is to wait for Electronic to get back," said Think Tank commandingly and sadly.

"Ah, Think Tank, what happened to Faster and Earth Eater?" asked Electronic worriedly as his eyes glowed a sad purple. "Spyderly attacked us again. She killed Faster and injured Earth Eater; we really need to get to Kentucky now Electronic," said Think Tank trying to stay calm. "That's just great but before we deal with that problem Split, Invis, Chrona it is getting too dangerous for you. Head to West Vancouver; you will find my other cousins there. Invis and Chrona, Split is in charge of getting you there," said Electronic commandingly as his right eye glowed gold. "Thank you for putting me charge, but why?" asked Split confused out of his mind. "Well since Faster is dead, you have become third in command," said Electronic sadly. "Who is second in command, you know, just out of curiosity?" asked Split. "Think Tank of course, who else would it be," said Electronic sternly. "Well anyways I hope to see you later Electronic," said Split happily.

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