Chapter 5 The First Death

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After a few days the team finally reached Anacortes.

"From here on out no more boat, agreed?" asked Electronic feeling sea sick. "Agreed," said the team also feeling sea sick. "Okay, but how are we going to travel?" asked Sound Beam. "How about on that bus?" asked Electronic not even looking to see if a bus was there but just knowing there was one while his right eye glowed a dim gold. "Okay, but do you know the way?" asked Flamer weakly. "I can get us to my grandparents' house easily and Stunter, Fly Hair and Monkgal can get us to their house easily enough, right?" asked Electronic knowing the answer. "Of course we can," said Fly Hair, Monkgal and Stunter, shocked that Electronic even had to ask. "Good, then it is settled," said Electronic happily.

"Okay we are here at my grandparents' house," said Electronic happily.

"Monkgal you have a violin cleaning kit at your house right?" asked Electronic while looking in his dad's old closest. "Yes of course, but why?" asked Monkgal in a very confused manner. "It will make sense later," said Electronic getting tired of the questions that led him to make that reply. "Okay I am going to help the rest look for supplies," said Monkgal walking slowly away from Electronic.

"Are you alright Electronic?" asked Rubberer kindly as she slowly approached Electronic and noticed that he was holding back tears. "Of course Rubberer I am fine it's just that this was my great grandfather's violin/ (fiddle thing, I don't know)," said Electronic lying down on his dad's old bed and pulling out his gold necklace. "Well cheer up; I like it when you smile," said Rubberer sitting beside him on the bed. "I know," said Electronic while trying his best to smile. "How about we spend the night here?" asked Rubberer happily. "Well there are plenty of beds and if there aren't enough beds then they can sleep on the couches if they want; and if the couches are too uncomfortable they can take a sleeping bag and sleep in the shed," said Electronic getting into a fit. "Stop Electronic, I get the point," said Rubberer trying to calm Electronic down. "Anyways Electronic, are we still going to get married as soon as possible after we get back to the normal world?" asked Rubberer sweetly. "There will never be a normal world, Rubberer," said Electronic, while thinking, but not saying, where we can get married, and his left eye glowed purple as he thought this. "So let's just pretend we are married," said Rubberer kindly. "Yes why don't we and tomorrow we set out for my cousins' house," said Electronic knowing that there really wasn't time to be in love while also not knowing that someone was spying on them.

"I can't believe Electronic," said Hypno angrily as her eyes glowed a dark purple. "What can't you believe about my cousin?" asked Fly Hair not really caring. "It's the fact that he plans to get married to Rubberer when I was his first love," said Hypno angrily as her eyes glowed an even darker purple. "I thought that you got over him long ago, besides you weren't his first love, and he has always been a bit of a weird one," said Fly hair not really caring. "Besides you could always just hypnotize him or get someone better," said Fly Hair not really caring before Hypno could respond. "Hypnotizing him wouldn't work, besides I want his love to mean something," said Hypno sadly as her eyes returned to their normal brown.

After three and a half hours of travel the team finally arrived at Electronic's cousins' house, short one member because Hypno was nowhere to be found that morning.

"Monkgal can you get your violin cleaning kit please?" asked Electronic sweetly. "Yes of course," said Monkgal wondering what is going on with her cousin. "Electronic, a group of monsters and Fists are on their way here," said Faster trying to make his injury not a disability. "Gah ha ha I coming for you Electronic!" yelled Fists angrily and loudly from outside the house and wanting to settle the score. "Fly Hair you always said you wanted to die in this house," said Electronic jokingly. "Ha ha ha yeah but not like this," said Fly Hair seriously. "Well we could combine our powers to defeat Fists except it would mean Fly Hair's death," said Electronic seriously. "So long as I kill Fists in the process, I am fine with it," said Fly Hair being dead serious. "Also, anything to get away from you," Fly Hair said under her breath. "Okay Fly Hair start twirling your hair like you're going to fly until you build a vortex then Stunter transform your fingers to a combustible water-like liquid then I will put a charge into it then Earth Eater you put a protective layer of earth around it then Lighter shine your light on it to make grass grow then Flamer burn the grass then we all run like hell away from Fly Hair," said Electronic commandingly as his eyes glowed gold. "Electronic where are you!?" yelled Fists angrily. "Fists do you really think you can take us on?" asked Electronic remembering how this went down in the past. "I can overpower you and I can beat Faster in a race," said Fists remembering when he did just that. "That was before we had powers and only when he is injured; besides, you may be strong but you aren't smart," said Electronic telling the absolute truth. "You're going to pay for that!" yelled Fists angrily. "Only if you can catch me," said Electronic remembering how this went in the past. "Ah!" yelled Fists in surprise. "I can't believe he fell for that again," said Electronic laughing. "Really he fell for you running around a corner and tripping him again? That is hilarious," said Faster happily. "So it is true what they said he never learned his lessons," said Think Tank cleverly, while laughing.

"I am sorry to say that Fly Hair had to sacrifice her life for the greater good of the team," said Electronic sadly as his right eye glowed a dim gold and his left eye glowed a bright purple. "Anyways let's continue on to Texas," said Electronic triumphantly as his both his eyes glowed a dim gold and then returned to their normal blue.

"It doesn't make sense Electronic, why did Fly Hair die?" asked Think Tank knowing that shouldn't have happened despite what Electronic had said. "I don't know it almost seems to go against the time-space continuum," said Electronic also surprised that what he said actually happened. "I also wonder where Hypno went," said Think Tank thinking about what had happened some more. "Someplace where we can't find her it seems," said Electronic scanning for Hypno with his mind as both his eyes glowed a dim gold.

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