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After walking down the stairs following the bunny whose name is midnight, me,master shifu and the others followed her to the unconscious wolves. To my shock they were still there. I feared for the worst, I thought they were dead. I checked both of their pulses and sighed, they were still alive. "They're alive." I said to the others. Master shifu walked up to me while looking at the wolves. "How did you defeat them?" He asked. I looked at the metal pipe that I used and pointed at it. "I used that." I said. He looked at the pipe then at me. "Ghost... that is a barbell. How where you able to use it as a bo?" Shifu asked. I look at him and shrugged. "It was pretty light for me." I said while grabbing the barbell. I twirled it around with my fingers shocking everyone.

'Time skip'
Me,viper and crane were walking behind the others and I saw crane and viper looking at each other. I recognized the look in their eyes. "So you two... together or something?" I asked them. They both froze and stopped in their tracks and started mumbling. "It's okay, you can tell me." I said. They both nodded. I smiled. "Have you told shifu?" I asked. They shook their heads no. I smirked and ran to shifu. "No ghost don't." They both said. "Master shifu, what would you say if crane and viper were dating?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled. "I would say let them be together. (Sigh) Young love I remember it. Why do you ask me that?" He asked. I nod my head towards the now frozen crane and viper. "Oh I see." Shifu said as he motioned them to stand in front of him. "If you two are together then you both can be together." He said. Cranes beak hung open in a comedic fashion. I held in a laugh. "Thank you master." Viper said. "You don't have to thank me, love is someones destiny. It is meant to be." Shifu said. I nodded and smirked in agreement. "What about you ghost,do you have someone that is destined to be with you?" Shifu asked. I looked down in sadness and shook my head no. "Where I'm from the girls just ignore me. And if I do talk to them they just laugh and walk away." I said. The others were shocked. "But you're such a nice guy ghost." Viper said. I was about to say something but I smelled something. It was smoke... and burning wood. I looked in the direction of smell and saw black smoke. I ran towards it. "Ghost where are you going?" Crane asked. They all followed me. I stopped and saw a building on fire. "Alice have you seen the Cheng's daughter? They can't find her." I heard a jaguar ask. I ran closer. "Is anyone in that building?" I asked. "We think there's a young female wolf cub on the second floor." The jaguar said. I ran into the burning building. "Ghost where are you going!?" Po yelled as I jumped through the door. I ran up to the second floor. I heard a girl cry out in fear to my right. I looked and there was a closed door. I touched the doorknob and turned. It was locked. "I'm coming!" I yelled to the girl. I rammed my shoulder into the door... bad idea, it didn't even budge. I looked at the door and kicked it down. I walked in the room and as I did the ceiling groaned I look up and the ceiling fell. I jumped out of the way. I heard another cry to my right and saw a closet. I opened the door and moved some hanging clothes to see the little 5 year old she-wolf cub crying. I motioned her to come to me. "It's ok, I'm gonna get you out of here." I said as she walked into my arms. I picked her up and wrapped my cloak around her and ran out of the room. As I ran towards the stairs the floor gave away. There was a gap between me and the stairs. I took a few steps back,ran and jumped the gap. As I landed the floor fell from under me. I grabbed the ledge and held on to it and the cub. The girl screamed in fear as she saw the fire under her. With all my strength I threw her above me so that she was near the steps. She stood there looking at me. "GO QUICKLY!" I yelled at her. She ran to me and grabbed my hand. "What are you doing? Get out of here! Save yourself!" I yelled. "NOT WITHOUT YOU!" She yelled at me. She pulled with all her strength and I lifted myself with all my strength. With our strength combined I was safe. "Thank you,now come on." I said to her. I made it to the entrance and ran out of the building. And just in time to. The whole place collapsed. I coughed as I handed the cub back to her parents. "Momma." The cub said. "Kirala." The mom said while kissing her cubs head. I looked at them with a small smile. Then my sight was going blurry. Seconds later I passed out.

(Time skip:next day)
I woke up hearing a noise I opened my eyes but only saw blurry figures. I reached for my glasses and put them on. The figures turned out to be the guys they were all asleep. I realized I was in my room. I stood up and walked out of the room without waking anyone up. I saw the sun rising and realized that it must be a day off for the others. I walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone. As I was cooking I heard some light footsteps stop outside the door. "Whoever's outside the door should come in, I don't bite." I said. The door opened I turned to see tigress. "Good morning." I said. She nodded in response. "Take a seat I'll pour you some tea." I said. She sat down and I put a cup of warm tea down in front of her. "Thank you." She said I nodded. I went back to making the biscuits then I heard tigress. "You don't belong here." She said. I stopped for a second and continued. "I know." I told her. "Don't think that I'll ever go easy on you boy. Because when training starts, you'll be wishing you were back in your world." She declared. I just hummed in response. Remembering what my master taught me. 'Never let anger cloud your mind,for it will consume you.'

I was about to finish cooking the first plate of biscuits when I heard the door open again. I turned to see shifu. "Good morning master. Would you like some tea?" I asked. He jumped a little when he heard my voice. He looked at me and smiled. "Ghost... I'm glad to see you recovered. The healer said that it would have taken you a day or two, to wake up. You inhaled alot of smoke." He said as he sat down. I placed a cup of tea down for him. "Thank you." He said. I nod my head. Shifu notices tigress. "Good morning tigress, were you and ghost just talking before I entered?" Shifu asked tigress. She was about to answer but I spoke. "Yes sir, she was just apologizing for yesterday." I said. Shifu looked at me shocked. "Did she?" He asked. I nodded. "And you accepted it?" He asked me. I nodded. "I never hold onto a grudge. My grandfather, who was my master, taught me how to protect myself. He was a karate master and he, along with his childhood friend, taught me martial arts. He didn't only teach me how to fight. But also to forgive. He always said 'never dwell in the past nor the future, live in the now' and I tend to do that." I said. "Your grandfather must've been a great and wise man." Shifu said. I nodded. I then heard some footsteps coming towards us. And just in time for the others to wake up. I just finished cooking the biscuits. The others opened the door and said good morning to shifu and tigress. They didn't notice me yet. I smiled. "What? No good morning for me? I'm hurt." I said. Everyone turned to see me smiling. "Ghost!" They all yelled as they hugged me. All of them were really worried. We all ate breakfast. And shifu said that I should go shopping for new clothes. I agreed with him. I thought to myself while walking down the stairs with the others also remembering my prized possession in my back pocket. 'You know what? I think I can get used to it here.' After I thought that I smiled as I looked at my grandfathers old headband with his symbol on it. The symbol on it, is a white lotus flower.

(In pic, also I changed the name of ghosts grandfather/master because I'm a real huge fan of the karate kid/cobra kai franchise. I don't take credit for the name of mr.miyagi all credit goes to the creators of karate kid and cobra kai. And yes, ghost will be doing some techniques from the karate kid films and cobra kai show. And many more. I changed this chapter a bit cause in this alternate universe of kung fu panda, Nariyoshi miyagi was a karate master and ghost will not reveal who he is, or who his grandfather is. As a surprise in the future.)

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