Chapter 3

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Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. My wifi broke and now I've been writing at school so if its published at some random point on a weekday, you know why. I'll do my best to update, but no promises it'll be regular. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!~


Jess's P.O.V

It's been a month already. A month since I woke up in this attic. Everyday it's the same. I have nothing to do all day but sketch and doodle. I'm almost out of paper so I won't have anything to do soon. I don't hardly ever talk to Lion or Tiger, and when I do, it's usually because they asked me a question that I cannot simply shake or nod my head to. I'd be too scared to ask for paper in fear that they'd yell at me for some reason.

I had just started sketching on my last piece of paper when I heard the creaking of the attic ladder on the other side of the room. I jumped up, sloppily crammed all the papers and pencils back into the bottom drawer on the nightstand.

I run my fingers through my hair, fixing it as much as possible before Lion walked up.

"Hello Kitten," his deep voice spoke, sending a shiver down my spine.

I just nodded and walked into the kitchen, getting the dinner I prepared.

"No no, no need for that tonight Kitten," he spoke, a smirk sprouted on his lips as he said that.

I looked at him and froze out of fear.

What does that mean?

He motioned for me to follow as they walked toward the table. I sat in my usual spot, in the chair with no carved designs. Lion then made his way over to his seat, to the left of me. Lion sat there in silence for the longest time until the attic opened up again.

They've never done this before, they broke the routine. I was just getting the hang of it too. Tiger walked up with a few bags in her hand. One was labeled "Macy's" and another one "Sears". She then walked downstairs and back up with more bags. These bags were just plain white with no words, or non that I could see at least.

Tiger brought all of the bags over to the table. She must've noticed how scared I was because she looked my direction, smiling and said, "Don't worry dear, there's nothing to worry about."

The smile dropped from her face as soon as she was done talking.

I was a bit concerned, but tried to hide any expressions on my face, giving a blank stare. Tiger started pulling items out of the bags, one by one. The first one was the "Macy's" bag, then the "Sears" bag. She pulled out a beautiful pink lacy dress from the "Macy's" bag. There were long sleeves attached, and the bottom looked like it would go to about mid thigh. She then pulled out some plain black tights. Out of the "Sears" bag, she pulled out a pair of high heels, which were black and had open toes. The heel was about the size of my pointer finger. She also pulled out a black cardigan. She thew all the clothes at me, including the heels, which hurt, and looked at me with a glare.

"Change." She commanded, rudely. I turned and hurried for the bathroom. 

Why is she making me change clothes? This is pointless.

I changed as quickly as I could. The heels were uncomfortably, especially since my ankle was still a bit sore from my phantom injury.  I walked out, wobbling in the heels, and made my way over to the table. I sat down in my chair, double checking that this was my chair. Last time I sat in the wrong chair, I got beaten very severely. I know, that's like the dumbest reason ever to get beaten, but I wasn't going to make them even more mad by asking, and I'm still not going too. 

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