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"Out! Get out of my house now! Never set foot near this family again you hear me?!"

Thoes were the last words Jess heard her mother say before leaving the house- for good. By the end of the day, her mother had already called up the rest of her family not to take her in. It was quite easy to do so with only a small family that- usually- stuck together. Now? She was left to fend for herself.

Jess didn't have any friend's houses she could stay at either, because she was always the outcast at school.

Jess's black hair was flowing freely behind her as she ran as fast as her little legs would take her. She just turned 15, but was very small for her age.

She shivered as she slowed to a walk, hoping she was far enough away to where she wasn't being chased by her mother. She was only wearing a t-shirt and black leggings, so she was pretty cold in the fall weather.

Jess gazed up at the night sky, noticing storm clouds a little ways behind her.
As she walked along, she looked for a 24 hour gas station or restaurant to take cover before it started raining.
She would have to hide in the bathrooms since she wouldn't be able to purchase anything- only having her old flip phone with her that would probably be shut off in the next few days.

About a mile down the road was a reasturaunt, according to a street sign that Jess aproached.

Noticing the sign, she sped up her pace until she reached the doors about 15 minutes later. The temperature outside had decreased dramatically.

She walked inside and walked up to the waiter standing at the front desk. He looked maybe about 17 and had short blonde hair with sparkling blue eyes.

"Excuse m-me," Jess started, shivering, "Could y-you point me in the d-direction of the b-bathrooms?" She managed to ask.

He looked at Jess with kind eyes, looking past how messy she looked at the moment with her smeared makeup from crying and messy hair from jusy being alseep.

"Yes, the ladies room is right back there," He asnwered, while turning around and pointing behind him.

"T-thank you," She said quietly as she quickly hurried off.

She walked in as fast as she could, only realizing she walked into the wrong bathroom. Of course, this sort of thing would only happen to Jess. Flustered, she crept back out trying not to be see while heading into the other bathroom, double checking that it was the right one this time.

She locked herself in one of the stalls and checked her phone. As usual, no missed calls or text messages from anyone worrying about her or even just checking up on how her week has been going. Sighung, she slipped it back into the waist band of her leggings and walked out of the stall.

She walked over to the sink and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her pale skin was covered in goose bumps, her makeup was running from crying, and her eyes were puffy.
Jess took a paper towel and put a little water from the sink on it. She started cleaning up her makeup to the point where she looked as decent as she could at this point. She ran her fingers through her messy black hair as she looked into her hazel eyes.

She could hear the heavy rain starting to hitting the roof of the building as she watched herself.

After continuously hiding in the stalls when someone would enter and staring at herself after they'd leave for about an hour, the rain started to settle to where it was a light drizzle- weather Jess was somewhat ok with walking in.

She walked out of the bathroom and started heading for the exit.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" A voice called from. Behind her. Out of habit, she turned around seeing the nice waiter from earlier. He walked over to her with sonething in his hand.

He handed her a jacket and some sweat pants.

"Thanks, I guess. Why are you doing this for me?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to the side in confusion.

"I kept thoes as a spare incase it got to cold in here while I was working, but you look like you need them more than I do." He replied with a warm smile.

Jess thanked him again for the clothes and slipped them on over her own before heading outside. She felt slightly bad for taking them, but she could hardly care less at this point.

The clothes definitely helped, but she was still freezing. The weather had to have dropped at least 10 degrees from when she was out here earlier.
It was the end of October and winter was just around the corner.

She tried to keep focused on somewhere to stay for the rest of the night rather than how cold she was. Trying not to get it wet, she checked her phone under her jacked for the time. It was 12:42 am.

The rain was starting to pick up again as she continued to walk. She kept walking when she arrived at the city line. The sign said Now Entering St. Louis. Her house before she was kicked out was in a small county just outside St. Louis.

Jess knew if she kept going she was at a lot of risk, but she kept going, knowing it'd be better than going back in her opinion.

It couldn't get worse than this.

Is what Jess kept thinking as she trudged along through the many puddles that now filled the sidewalk.

Even with it being about 1:00 am, there were still cars driving by on almost every road. I guess that's what you could expect from a city.

She continued to walk, and even though it was dark, she could see the Arch coming into view after about another hour or two. She decided she would head there for now when the atmosphere suddenly changed.

A deep voice boomed in the night, making her jump.

Whoever it was, they were right on her heals. Jess could practically feel them breathing on her neck as they spoke.

"A pretty lady like you shouldn't be walking alone on the streets so late."

And with a thump to the head, I was out like a light.


And its done.

I hope you all enjoyed this first part, I'm hoping to get chapter one up soon.

If you have any suggestions for the rest of the story or a nice lovely cover I could put up please leave a comment because that would be fantastic!

I'd like to make this a story people would want to read so if you have any suggestions, I'll read you comment and answer asap!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of this book!

×Stay Insane×

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