Chapter 7 - Powers

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I quickly left the office and went straight to my room. I opened and closed the door quickly. I sat on my bed thinking about what we just discussed.

Hunter Reed.

Every time I think of him I have that weird feeling. I don't know if it's good or bad but I really don't want to find out. Unfortunately, I can't avoid it. No matter what I think I'm an Alpha and I have to attend the gathering. I sighed rubbing my eyes. I look at the clock on the wall which says it's five in the afternoon. Xavier will be here any minute now and I stand up pacing the room. Not only have I the problem with the rogues, but now I have to face the reactions of the Alphas for my arrival.

I heard someone knocking the door so I went to open it. Xavier was waiting outside with his hands in his pockets and I stepped to the side to let him in.

Once he was inside I silently closed the door and we both sat on my bed.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" He said and positioned himself so he could look at me.

"Well, I figured that Rocky would be busy so I needed you to tell me some things about the situation here..." I said and he smirked. I admit it, he is quite the catch and with that smirk on his face, I'm sure the girls of the pack are chasing him like crazies.

"What situation? The one with the rogues or the one with the Alpha that will come tomorrow?" He asked and his smirk got bigger when my eyes widened.

"Um...I-I..." Should I tell him? Maybe he could tell me some things about the Midnight Warrior pack. And of course their Alpha.

"Oh don't deny anything Alexa...we saw that you got upset when Rocky said about the Alphas coming here. So tell me Alex... who is it that made your heart beat increase so much that even we could hear it?" He said moving closer and closer until we were face to face.

I was a loss for words. He was so close that the only thing I could focus on was his bright green eyes that were staring right into mine. My eyes moved further down and were glued to his lips. How would it feel if I kissed him right now?

Wait, what? Focus Alex. Get to the point!

His hands moved from his lap to encircle my waist and he pulled me to him startling me. He put me on his lap and held me close, moving his head to my neck dragging his lips all the way up to my jaw. My arms wrapped automatically around his neck and truth is I don't mind him doing that. I don't know what is wrong with me but I can't bring myself to stop him. I want to kiss him, badly. He is torturing me now as he kisses my jaw and I leave a shaky breath. I felt him smile against my skin and that makes me remember the original reason on why I asked him to come here.

"Xavier..." I said but he took as a hint to continue. He bit a little on the skin of my neck and I held myself back so I wouldn't moan.

"Xavier," I said louder this time and I tried to pull back. He seemed to understand and he pulled back too, giving me a regretful look.

"We really need to discuss about the rogues..." I said with a small smile. He studied my face for a while and then his smirk was back and he nodded. I sat again on the bed beside him and ran a hand through my hair trying to focus again.

"The rogues...right." He said and looked away from me.

"Okay, how these rogues are working? I mean how are they even a pack? I thought they want to live an independent life, not under the Alpha..." I said confused.

"We still don't know. This is a rare occurrence; all of them working together. But Rocky and I are looking the way they're attacking so if they decide to attack here we will be prepared. Don't worry about it Sam, everything is under control. We are the strongest pack after the Midnight Warriors so I doubt they will even dare to trespass." At the mention of this pack I tensed.

So they are the strongest pack.

"Alright. Can you tell me about the packs?" I asked looking anywhere but him. I wasn't exactly comfortable right now with him staring at me after what happened.

"There's not much to tell. I'm sure your father told you the basics already and you will meet everyone tomorrow. I just need to warn you about something." He said and sat closer to me.

"The Alphas will not go so easy on you. They will think that because you've never lived here that you might be a threat. Don't listen to what they say. You have to show them how strong you are even without you being raised in a pack. Alphas have some special abilities without even training. Rocky is very strong. Really, you don't want to ever be his enemy. So you have one too. Do you know it?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Uh...yes," I said looking down at the floor. I've never told anyone, not even Jared, about the power I was born with. I don't even think that my parents knew. I mean all werewolves have that power but I just have it to a really great extent. I used it actually one time, accidentally, when I was five. I was so freaked out that I had almost forgotten I had it in the first place.

"Healing. And Destruction." He raised his eyebrows and gave me a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?" He said and frowned. "That can't be right. Maybe you haven't found your power yet because in the book of Alphas there's no such thing as hea-"

"Really, Xavier. I can heal any kind of wound, scars, illnesses...everything. But I can also cause all of that to someone till he dies." I said a bit annoyed that he didn't believe me.

He frowned for a bit then widened his eyes.

"I- I have to go. I'm going to find the book and see if there's anything written about this..." He said and stood up quickly walking to the door. He left and I was sitting there confused as ever.

He knew something; he just didn't want to tell me. But the curious side of me was going to find out.

I got out of the room as quietly as possible and tried detecting Xavier's scent. I walked up a set of stairs and walked down the hallway of the fourth floor. The scent of both Xavier and Rocky was coming from a double door on my right. I neared it and leaned my head against the door so I could hear what they were talking about.

"-can be true. Legend says that a girl with the power of Healing and Destruction would be the mate of a boy with the power of Death and Life." Xavier spoke. I could sense Rocky pacing the room and anger was coming off of him in waves.

"It also says that they will be the most powerful mates to exist ever. Either the girl will pull them to the bright side or the boy will doom them to the dark one. If the girl achieves to save them both then they will be powerful like gods. If the boy doesn't change his mind then they are both meant to die in a battle that will change the world..." Xavier finished speaking and I was standing there terrified. What the hell is going on?

"We don't know if this legend is talking about them. It can refer to people that will exist in ages from now..." Rocky said angrily.

"Rocky, do you hear yourself? Alex has the powers of this girl. Nobody had that before! Ever! And the asshole from the Midnight Warriors? He has the freaking powers that the book says! This can't be a coincidence Rocky, and you know it. You just don't want to accept it." Xavier yelled at Rocky. If this was anyone else, my cousin would have snapped his neck in mere seconds. Let's just hope that Xavier will be alright.

I can't hear anything else because I'm panicking. I ran to my room in seconds and locked the door behind me. I can't believe this. So I have a mate from this pack. God, can I be more unlucky?

I fell on my bed sighing and ran my hands through my hair. Tomorrow is going to be a really long day.

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