Chapter 9 - "You like him!"

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Chapter 9 - "You like him!"    

"Lexy..." I heard a voice calling my name but it was so far away that I could barely hear it.

"Alex..." I knew it belonged to a female and it was getting closer. My senses slowly came back to me; sleep slowly fading away. Someone was trying to wake me up but I didn't move.

The voice stopped and I was glad it finally left me alone to sleep. Suddenly something cold hit my face and I jolted awake gasping.

Someone was laughing so I turned my head to see Monica rolling on the floor laughing her ass off. I glared at her and after some minutes her laughter died down. She looked at me amused but I just continued to glare.

"Run." I said in a serious tone. Her eyes widened and she stood up running like a maniac out of the room. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and started running after her.

"Monica Juliette Malvor, I swear to God if I catch you I'm going to kill you!" I yelled and quickened my pace running down the stairs to catch her. She screamed and entered the kitchen.

I slowed down knowing there was only one way to enter and exit the kitchen and I was standing right at it. The water she threw me was dripping from my hair all over my body. All the boys were sitting around the kitchen island, including Hunter, and they tried not to laugh. Monica was nowhere to be found.

"Where is she?" I asked and they shrugged mumbling quick 'I don't knows'. I saw Hunter moving his cup on his left, then pointing his finger down without anyone noticing. I looked up at him and he nodded slightly.

I walked further into the kitchen and took a bottle of water from the fridge. I sat beside Hunter, on his left, and opened the bottle taking a sip from it. Everyone was looking questioningly at me except my mate who had focused his attention on the cup of coffee in front of him.

I grabbed the bottle and poured its content on Monica who was sitting on the floor, on the left of the island.

"Cold, cold, it's cold, oh god it's cold." She said jumping up and down fanning herself like that was going to make it less cold. I started laughing hysterically; almost falling off the stool I was sitting if it wasn't for Hunter to put his hand on my waist, steadying me. I tried to ignore the tingles and continued laughing with everyone else joining me. Hunter was just smirking but that made him even greater than he is and it left me wondering about the sound of his laugh.

"Y-You should have seen y-your f-face..." I said between laughs.

"Yeah I know, payback's a bitch." She said shrugging and then smiled at me.

"Come on, we have to get away from these boys..." She said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the kitchen.

"Hey!" Xavier complained and I winked playfully at him. Monica led me upstairs and into her room. I sat on her bed and she was in the bathroom changing her soaked with water clothes while I was thinking how much Hunters touch affects me.

"Alex snap out of it!" She said waving her hand in front of my face.

"What?" She was now completely dry, even her hair and I wondered why I didn't notice the hairdryers sound. Guess I was too caught up in my thoughts...

"I need you to tell me something!" She said and plopped down next to me, clapping her hands. I raised my eyebrows confused. What is she talking about?

"Oh please Alex, just admit it!" She said sounding excited as ever.

"I really have no idea what you want me to tell you..." What am I supposed to be? A mind reader?

She looked at me for a second and then smirked evilly like she knew something I didn't.

"You like Hunter. Just admit it!" She said standing up and looking at me expectantly. I choked on my own spit when I heard what she said but recover quickly.

"What?" I said with wide eyes.

"I saw the way he looked at you when you stormed out of the meeting room yesterday. He looked really worried about you. He was dying to follow you and after a while he did. Then after some minutes, Xavier came back and he looked slightly upset but he told us you wanted to be alone. Then he came back and he was mad. Really mad. But only if you looked at him carefully you could see it. Then you came into the room and he couldn't take his eyes off of you. So tell me, what happened when he followed you...?" She said eagerly. I didn't know a person could speak this fast but it looks like it can happen. What do I tell her now?

The truth? No. A lie? Yes.

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eye. "He didn't follow me, Monica. I was in my room. He never came after me. What Xavier told you was true but Hunter could be mad for any reason. I didn't even see him blink yesterday. He had a permanent blank expression like he was afraid that if he showed any emotion it would be the end of the world. Just because he is the Alpha of a pack of ruthless warriors, he acts like he owns everything. I know what my dad told me about his father and usually, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Didn't you see the way he glared at me when uncle Martin introduced me to him?" I shook my head trying to be convincing. Damn, I should be an actress.

"Plus I have a mate out there who is supposed to love me. Why would I care about Hunter?"

I wanted her to forget about this and move on because there is no way he is going to be the person who I will spend the rest of my life with, so when I find the right moment I'm going to reject him.

We heard a loud growl from downstairs and then someone slamming a door shut. I smirked to myself because I had a feeling Hunter heard what I just said. Monica though seemed worried and since I wasn't going to tell her about me and him we went downstairs to see what happened.

"Who left?" Monica asked her brother who was exiting the kitchen.

"Hunter. We talked to him but he wouldn't hear us because he seemed like he was listening to something intently. I focused on my hearing too and I heard my dear cousin Alexa talking with you about how ruthless he and his pack are and everything that followed next. Did you really have to say that?" He turned his full attention to me, scolding me.

"What!?" I raised my hands in frustration.

"He is our guest Alex! He agreed to help us even if we don't have the best relationship between our packs. This was a really childish behavior for an Alpha, Alex!" He said raising his voice and folding his arms across his chest.

"You didn't say it was childish when you were chasing me all over the territory to tickle me! You didn't say it was childish when we were building forts with sheets back in England and you were freaking nineteen! You didn't even say it was childish when the same year we were making fun of that old lady in the neighborhood by walking across her yard like chickens. And now you say this is childish because I'm telling the truth!? You know them better than anyone Rocky and now you tell me I shouldn't say those things because he might hear me? I can't believe you, Rocky..." I yelled and growled walking up the stairs at a fast pace.

"Lex, come on don't leave..." Jared said softly and I knew he was trying not to trigger me but I was far too mad right now to calm down.

"Leave me alone, Jared!" I practically growled the words out and ran up the rest of the stairs running in random hallways. At some point, I was at a part of the house I've never been before and I was kind of lost. I opened one of the windows that were at the side of the hallway and jumped down. I landed gracefully on my feet even if it was a three-stories-high jump. I took off immediately into the woods. 

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